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[RATE MY TEAM] My first ever VGC team
yea zam can potencialy trace u anyway which means he gets swift swim and well then ur likely to get sweeped since he managed to counter ur rain team by luck XD
Yeah, that's why I decided to put those few speed EVs into HP, just to make him that little bit bulkier. I'm thinking about putting Helping hand on whimsicott as well instead of encore, because I feel like getting a boost to my attacking power could help me get a crucial KO when I need it, rather than trying to protect and then encore them into a status move.

If I use taunt on Someone and they're status move fails, can I still encore them?
for example, If i taunted a Rotom-W that tried to use WoW on Swampert, it will fail, so can I encore him into Wisp then or will it fail because he didn't actually use WoW
yes you can :P its why the taunt encore combo is really nice just beware they will use struggle though :P

admittedly it depends on the movement speed i think of when the taunt / encore hit...

if you encore them into wow then taunt it they will struggle but if you taunt them and then they can't use it encore will fail Sad
Thanks, that's good to know

Well, I suppose I had better finish breeding the team then :D
just bear in mind my last edit i had to double check i assummed it work but its speed reliant
well I meant if I taunt first then encore into Wisp after it's failed, because I don't want them to burn anything if I can help it, But I do run Protect on everything exept Escavalier, so I could protect with swampert if I expect a WoW, and then I can switch to Goodra to take the burn and encore them into will o wisp and then taunt them next turn. The only problem is, is it's takes a lot of turns to "set up" which is why I'm thinking of replacing encore with Helping Hand
yea encore is niche it better to force protect spam but u could go safeguard encore combo for useless WoW's :P

edit: but then u need taunt to deny trick room
When I eventually get around to testing it after I've finished breeding/EV training, I'll see if I'm having any problems with Rotom-W, and if I am, I'll probably keep the Taunt/ Encore strategy, but if I'm not having too much trouble, I'll probably switch to HH to knock out some pokes faster

Thanks for pointing these out btw, it's really helping me tweak my team to cover as much as I can :D
np just wish i need to properly test my teams its hard to get good teams with my likes XD
This is a very nice team... I was looking for a rain team to breed and train for a friend of mine.

I ran into something similar with my current team. My Alakazam 1HKO'd the Mega Swampert - but a good player would avoid the grass knot/energy ball. Other than killing his mega... I couldn't do much. Don't know if I saved the battle...

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