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A majority of this team isn't viable for the current NU metagame. Eviolite Scyther doesn't really synergize with Aggron as both are threatened by the common Electric types, Rock types, Water types and Steel Types, not to mention how with Eviolite, Scyther needs to set up in order to do damage and if Aerial Ace isn't cutting it then you have to resort to U-Turn which pushes up hazard damage taken. Without entry hazard support, Charizard pretty much hits something then gets KOd by it. A good deal of KOs that Charizard need to get require prior chip damage, so for like Focus Blast on Regirock and Rhydon, Air Slash on AV Hitmonchan etc. and having 2 x4 weaknesses to Stealth Rock isn't good either. Liepard will almost always end up as fodder after setting up the Sun plus it's not as effective as Regirock or Mesprit in terms of keeping the sun up as long due to how frail it is. The coverage moves it has doesn't help the team as much as what you have so far is still extremely weak to Ground, Water and Electric types. There are better Chlorophyll sweepers out there such as Exeggutor and Victreebel. Vileplume's horrible base speed doesn't even allow it to outpace scarfers under the sun so Primeape, Jynx, Electivire and Mesprit will always be there to force you out. Hitmonchan not having Ice Punch leaves it walled out by Vileplume alongside Pokemon weak to the attack

I'd do some serious Pokemon swapping because the Pokemon you currently have on this team don't synergize type wise or offensively

Messages In This Thread
NU Team - by Haki - Oct 15, 2016, 09:38 AM
RE: NU Team - by Marcusube - Oct 15, 2016, 06:59 PM
RE: NU Team - by w2gMk - Oct 16, 2016, 11:39 AM

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