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[RATE MY TEAM] Please give me suggestions on my team
I would change Moon Blas for hypervoice on Sylveon, so nobody can stay safe behind a substitute. I would also recomend to change leftovers on Talonflame, what you need is to deal as much damage as possible, so, life orb is a better choice, to recover health you alredy have roost.

Chesto berry on Rottom is very situatinal item, that you wont use unless you run Rest, you should put a Sitrus berry instead (Heals 1/4 HP when you are at 50% HP or less) or Lum berry for general status cure.

Hope i helped a bit : )

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RE: Please give me suggestions on my team - by Ryu Kurai - Jan 30, 2015, 07:51 PM

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