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[RATE MY TEAM] Please give me suggestions on my team
(Feb 2, 2015, 09:47 AM)GMX Wrote: Since your mega is Scizor, maybe you should cover his main weakness (x4 Fire) with rain too. Politoed instead of Greninja allows you to do that. Garchomp fits well in this core because he can take care of M-CharY/Ninetails to shut down sun teams. Rotom-W checks water types and hits M-CharY too (just be careful with incoming Solarbeams if rain isnt up). Tailwind Talonflame is a good option if you want some speed control.

i would personally change M-Scizor set, because in this moment M-CharY, Heatran and other Fire or Steel types wall you really hard.

Knock Off (solid move, mostly neutral, you can punish switches and hit Fire and Steel too)
Superpower (OHKO on Bisharp, use this move just for it or when you feel you have to use a fight type move and you can afford a -1atk/-1def -> a 50% health M-Kang for example)
Bullet Punch
Protect (many non-fire pokemon can run fire type moves, so you can scout those pokemon first)

i am more into the sword dance bullet punch bro
but thanks for the suggestion.
Will talonflame be limited if its raining? May be my flare blaze would be weaken
Also another thing is, if I use Clefable instead of sylveon would this team be better?

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Heal Bell

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RE: Please give me suggestions on my team - by mercibeaucoup - Feb 4, 2015, 08:31 AM

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