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The HP investment on Lopunny doesn't add up to a solid decision for it to counter Kangaskhan. Also Drain Punch will never OHKO but Low Kick or High Jump Kick will. You need to remember this because Kangaskhan's Double-Edge one shots Lopunny. The initial ability should be Limber.

Bisharp cannot withstand most attacks that are thrown at it. Investing EVs into "bulk" is nonsensical for it is also a glass cannon. The standard 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 Hp spread makes Bisharp act more effectively in battle. Take out Shadow Claw for Knock Off and Poison Jab for Iron Head. Bisharp gets STAB from these moves and they are more effective against the threats in VGC. Lastly, you need to run Sucker Punch so you will have to take off Brick Break.

I would advise you to run a bit less Special Defense and more Defense into Cresselia to have it stay around longer. Bisharp pulls it down to 10-20% of its HP after one Knock Off

No sense in running Dragon Pulse AND Ice Beam since they check the same thing only Ice has more coverage. Dragon Tail would be a better option for it forces the opponent to switch out and if you happen to hit an Aegislash that used King's Shield, it sets off the Competitive ability giving you more attack. I know you have speed control but in case Cresselia gets fainted it would be nice to have some Icy Wind support from Milotic as well.

Hydreigon cannot survive a Fairy attack even with the berry. It makes more sense to just go with a Modest Nature and slap a Choice Scarf on it or opt for Tailwind to make your team faster and run Hydreigon with a Life Orb.
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RMT: VGC 2015 - by BluMilotic - Feb 28, 2015, 05:01 AM
RE: RMT: VGC 2015 - by Vexian - Feb 28, 2015, 09:14 AM
RE: RMT: VGC 2015 - by GiMYz - Feb 28, 2015, 09:42 AM
RE: RMT: VGC 2015 - by Marcusube - Feb 28, 2015, 01:42 PM
RE: RMT: VGC 2015 - by BluMilotic - Feb 28, 2015, 10:53 PM
RE: RMT: VGC 2015 - by mike3640 - Mar 1, 2015, 06:56 AM

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