Aug 18, 2015, 04:01 PM
(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2015, 04:25 PM by Podfighterninja123.)
Also i did get 3rd in the 32, It was a bracket mistake by Justin :P
Sorry if it isnt as big as others, its my first RMT, I hope i can get better at this in the future and im not that good at going in depth on something like this.
![[Image: thundurus.gif]](
J. Jupiter (Thundurus) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 112 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunder Wave
Your average Thundurus, Based on the God of Thunder himself, Paired with Swampert, He is a force to be reckoned with, The EVs already stop your average threats, Not much to go into there. And the moves themselves are all basic, Hes really there to setup speed control and taunt those pesky Aegislash to prevent them from going into Kings Shield just to make a safe switch for Sylveon for those Sweeps and slow down the threats to Terrakion! Its your average Thundurus, nothing new to it, Still hits hard and survives all your hits that you would normally be able to take but can survive longer with it paired with Swampert.
![[Image: swampert.gif]](
Aquario (Swampert) @ Leftovers / Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 228 SpA / 12 SpD / 12 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam / Icy Wind
- Earth Power
- Wide Guard
The main man Swampert, Stops the rock slides and can be a speed controller alongside thundurus with Icy Wind. Leftovers is there just for the health every turn since he can be a vital member to stop Landorus-T's Rock Slide and after he goes down, You could lose your speed controller and your one of your checkers for Hyper Voice Sylveon.
Expert Belt is another option to give more Damage, It can give you more damage output which could be overkill, But we all need more damage once in a while.
Wide Guard is a decent option to check Sylveon's Hyper Voice and Rock Sliders, Scald is there to do nasty damage and Earth Power is there for those Steel Types.
![[Image: sylveon.gif]](
Libra (Sylveon) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 164 Def / 80 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Protect
This Sylveon has the benefits of taking on a NON LIFE ORB Bisharp Iron Head for a 2HKO, The damage output is different immensely from your 252 Spread, But along side other hard hitters, it can do work as it can weaken a pokemon down. Other then that, its your average sylveon. Hyper Voice is for damage, psyshock and shadow ball for coverage and protect to throw them off guard, Even if this pokemon is becoming common with Protect.
There isnt much to show off other then its ability to take on atleast one Iron Head from Non Life Orb Bisharp.
252+ Atk Bisharp Iron Head vs. 228 HP / 164 Def Sylveon: 168-198 (84.4 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO It will survive with atleast 4HP
![[Image: terrakion.gif]](
Dark Bull (Terrakion) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Guard
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Protect
Terrakion the insane Bull who will never give up, Lum Berry may be a odd item, Atleast to certain people, But its a second to best item when you have a sashed mon already and it prevents burns and paralysis, Quick Guard for Fake Out and Sucker Punch. Close Combat for Damage and Rock Slide for those other annoying thundurus'! Overall its your average set, As the most of the team is which is why all these explanations are short, so sorry
and 4 SpD just incase it could come in handy.. :P
![[Image: bisharp.gif]](
Variares (Bisharp) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Defiant
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Protect
Variares, The warrior who never rests until a chosen one is picked to feed his lust for battle.
This Bisharp is still your average set, Nothing really is different then any set,
, but ill explain why, Focus Sash is a good choice to keep him in the game a bit longer, with your average moves.
Knock Off can come in clutch and could reveal some items which could lead to revealing sets if you know them by heart. Sucker Punch is to finish things off and Iron Head for Sylveons.
![[Image: salamence-mega.png]](
L Drago (Salamence) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 60 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Fire Blast / Earthquake / Dragon Dance
- Roost
- Protect
Now the one worshipped by all, The Mega Mence, Return is preferred over Double Edge cause to me, Health Matters for taking hits and Recoil is annoying to deal with, Even with Roost on this Mence.
Fire Blast is for coverage, with all the other hard hitters having to weaken a chosen mon to KO Range, Such as Aegislash, Etc. EQ is also a option but since Wide Guard is a thing, its safer for Fire Blast and D-Dance for the Attack and Speed Boost.
Roost is there for regaining what you lost and keep mence in the game even longer then he could normally.
132 SpA Suicune Ice Beam vs. 20 HP / 60 SpD Mega Salamence: 148-176 (85.5 - 101.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
It isnt a 2hko, But the set works and can still hit hard and its a small chance to survive.
Battle Codes
Though not alot, Here are Some Battle Codes
Sorry if it isnt as big as others, its my first RMT, I hope i can get better at this in the future and im not that good at going in depth on something like this.
![[Image: thundurus.gif]](
J. Jupiter (Thundurus) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 112 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunder Wave
Your average Thundurus, Based on the God of Thunder himself, Paired with Swampert, He is a force to be reckoned with, The EVs already stop your average threats, Not much to go into there. And the moves themselves are all basic, Hes really there to setup speed control and taunt those pesky Aegislash to prevent them from going into Kings Shield just to make a safe switch for Sylveon for those Sweeps and slow down the threats to Terrakion! Its your average Thundurus, nothing new to it, Still hits hard and survives all your hits that you would normally be able to take but can survive longer with it paired with Swampert.
![[Image: swampert.gif]](
Aquario (Swampert) @ Leftovers / Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 228 SpA / 12 SpD / 12 Spe
Modest Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam / Icy Wind
- Earth Power
- Wide Guard
The main man Swampert, Stops the rock slides and can be a speed controller alongside thundurus with Icy Wind. Leftovers is there just for the health every turn since he can be a vital member to stop Landorus-T's Rock Slide and after he goes down, You could lose your speed controller and your one of your checkers for Hyper Voice Sylveon.
Expert Belt is another option to give more Damage, It can give you more damage output which could be overkill, But we all need more damage once in a while.
Wide Guard is a decent option to check Sylveon's Hyper Voice and Rock Sliders, Scald is there to do nasty damage and Earth Power is there for those Steel Types.
![[Image: sylveon.gif]](
Libra (Sylveon) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 164 Def / 80 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Protect
This Sylveon has the benefits of taking on a NON LIFE ORB Bisharp Iron Head for a 2HKO, The damage output is different immensely from your 252 Spread, But along side other hard hitters, it can do work as it can weaken a pokemon down. Other then that, its your average sylveon. Hyper Voice is for damage, psyshock and shadow ball for coverage and protect to throw them off guard, Even if this pokemon is becoming common with Protect.
There isnt much to show off other then its ability to take on atleast one Iron Head from Non Life Orb Bisharp.
252+ Atk Bisharp Iron Head vs. 228 HP / 164 Def Sylveon: 168-198 (84.4 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO It will survive with atleast 4HP
![[Image: terrakion.gif]](
Dark Bull (Terrakion) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Quick Guard
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Protect
Terrakion the insane Bull who will never give up, Lum Berry may be a odd item, Atleast to certain people, But its a second to best item when you have a sashed mon already and it prevents burns and paralysis, Quick Guard for Fake Out and Sucker Punch. Close Combat for Damage and Rock Slide for those other annoying thundurus'! Overall its your average set, As the most of the team is which is why all these explanations are short, so sorry

![[Image: bisharp.gif]](
Variares (Bisharp) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Defiant
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Protect
Variares, The warrior who never rests until a chosen one is picked to feed his lust for battle.
This Bisharp is still your average set, Nothing really is different then any set,

Knock Off can come in clutch and could reveal some items which could lead to revealing sets if you know them by heart. Sucker Punch is to finish things off and Iron Head for Sylveons.
![[Image: salamence-mega.png]](
L Drago (Salamence) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 20 HP / 196 Atk / 4 Def / 60 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Fire Blast / Earthquake / Dragon Dance
- Roost
- Protect
Now the one worshipped by all, The Mega Mence, Return is preferred over Double Edge cause to me, Health Matters for taking hits and Recoil is annoying to deal with, Even with Roost on this Mence.
Fire Blast is for coverage, with all the other hard hitters having to weaken a chosen mon to KO Range, Such as Aegislash, Etc. EQ is also a option but since Wide Guard is a thing, its safer for Fire Blast and D-Dance for the Attack and Speed Boost.
Roost is there for regaining what you lost and keep mence in the game even longer then he could normally.
132 SpA Suicune Ice Beam vs. 20 HP / 60 SpD Mega Salamence: 148-176 (85.5 - 101.7%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
It isnt a 2hko, But the set works and can still hit hard and its a small chance to survive.
Battle Codes
Though not alot, Here are Some Battle Codes
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century
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Forum Ninja