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[RATE MY TEAM] Stall n Brawl! VGC stall/sweep team must see!
Okay. I love the idea of Noivern and Mega Mawile. I think that is pretty smart. Other than that, I pretty much hate the rest of your team.

1. Do not run Super Fang on a Mega Mawile. Run Crunch. Otherwise, you are completely walled out by Aegislash. I do like the Tailwind idea though, very creative.

2. Don't run Super Fang on Noivern. I have used Super Fang before and I do not like it. It just sits there, not being used. Another move would be much better. Let me recommend: Boomburst, Hurricane, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Boomburst, Boomburst, Boomburst. Did I mention Boomburst? Because if I didn't, Boomburst. Also, run Frisk over Telepathy. There is noone on your team that would hit Noivern, and frisk can be so useful.

3. Ludicolo is a bad pokemon outside of rain. This doesn't strike me as a rain team, so get rid of Ludicolo. If you want a powerful grass type pokemon (and who doesn't?) then go with Contrary Serperior. He can get Taunt, Glare, Mirror Coat, and, of course, the broken Leaf Storm. I would recommend running a Focus Sash with him, and also have Mirror Coat. That way, you can OHKO Sylveon after it hits you with Hyper Voice.

4. Do you like Vaporeon? Then keep it. Otherwiese, get rid of it. I would switch the Defense EV's with the Special Attack EV's , and then move those Special Attack EV's into Special Defense. If you don't really like Vaporeon, then switch it out for Gastrodon, Cradily, or Milotic.

5. I have used Tyranitar many times in doubles. I am not a huge fan of it, especially with Focus Sash Serperior. If you want a pokemon that can counter Steels and Aegislash, as well as flying pokemon, then look no further than Mammoswine. He gets: Superpower, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard. All of those are very good coverage moves. He also gets Thick Fat, which means his fire Weakness doesn't matter all that much.

6. I don't like your Thundurus, but I honestly think that Thundurus is the right pokemon for the job right now. Just not that Thundurus. I honestly can't recommend a certain set or EV's because I myself am searching for that right combination. You need Taunt, and Thunder Wave, and after that, it is up to you.

Those are my 2 cents. Overall, I don't like Tailwind teams, because after those 4 turns are up, it is hard to regain momentum.

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RE: Stall n Brawl! VGC stall/sweep team must see! - by Delta - Aug 5, 2015, 07:45 AM

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