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[RATE MY TEAM] VGC'15 Team(fill in clever name here)
Great team composition you have there AndyHG. Honestly  I don't have much to say about half your team (Gastrodon, Heatran, and Sylveon), except maybe get HP Ground on Sylveon instead, but Moonblast is great for bypassing Wide Guard.  However I do have some suggestions regarding Lando-T, Hitmontop, and Mega Kang.

If you are going to run Assault Vest Landorus-T, give it a bulkier EV spread especially on the special side. You can try to make it so that Sucker Punch from Life Orb Bisharp doesn't ohko Lando-T all the time as well, though its an option at best. To be honest, you don't necessarily have to run a ton of attack investment on Landorus-T, its not outspeeding any notable threats with that speed investment anyways. Here's a set I would run:

Landorus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 140 HP / 132 Atk / 12 Def / 108 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Slide
- Superpower
- Earthquake
- U-turn

This set outspeeds regular Jolly Tyranitar (without Scarf), and has enough investment to survive most HP Ice and non STAB Ice Beams. AV Landorus-T would want a considerable amount of investment similar to to one I have here so it can spread intimidate drops and take some hits.

For Hitmontop, I advise you change its EV spread since as you mention its using a bulky Mega Mawile EV spread instead which isn't optimal. If you plan on using support Hitmontop, it should run Intimidate to take physical hits better and drop Protect for either Quick Guard/Feint/Close Combat. Otherwise, Wide Guard Conkeldurr serves as a great replacement for this spot easily since it does the same thing, but has recovery in Drain Punch, viable coverage in Knock Off/Ice Punch/Poison Jab, and solid abilities to chose from like Guts, Sheer Force, and Iron Fist. The problem with I have with Pokemon like Hitmontop is it usually fits a great supportive role, but can't do much on the offensive end. Your only attacking move can only OHKO Bisharp, but Mega Kangakhan can take about 2 Mach Punches. A combination of Close Combat and Mach Punch from the Intimidate Hitmontop can knock out Mega Kangaskhan as well. Yes you do lose out the ability to OHKO Bisharp with Technician Mach Punch, but at least Hitmontop has a better matchup against Mega Kangaskhan, not to mention Close Combat hits harder. Hitmontop can still run Mach Punch but I think Feint should be used just to predict the protect plays so your own Kangaskhan (it can easily handle Bisharp anyways) can knock out that target. Black Belt can be used to help Hitmontop secure and OHKOs on Mega Kangaskhan, but the trade off is you'll miss out the Sitrus Berry. Here's a set I have in mine.

Hitmontop @ Sitrus Berry / Black Belt
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 132 Def / 68 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Wide Guard
- Mach Punch / Feint
Here's some defensive damage calcs.

For Mega Kangaskhan, I think the only two things it should have is an optimized EV spread and Double Edge for more offense. For the latter, since Double Edge is secures you a more KOs, especially against opposing Sylveons. If you like, an Adamant spread can help secure more kills though since team doesn't have a ton of speed control anyways. I have some sets here so you can look at.

To be honest, the only thing your team lacks is speed control since most of your Pokemon are around middling speed at best. You might want to consider having Icy Wind on Gastrodon to alleviate this, but Bisharp becomes more of an issue. Maybe a Pokemon like Zapdos, Cresselia, Thundurus, or Suicune can give you some form of speed control. Other then that, you have a great team to get back into VGC.

Messages In This Thread
VGC'15 Team(fill in clever name here) - by AndyHG - Jun 2, 2015, 06:41 PM
RE: VGC'15 Team(fill in clever name here) - by Slec - Jun 3, 2015, 10:31 AM
RE: VGC'15 Team(fill in clever name here) - by Black117 - Jun 3, 2015, 02:13 PM

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