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[RATE MY TEAM] VGC newbie over here, any help is appreciated before I start going to tournaments
I would take off dragon tail on mitotic because its a physical move and mitotic is a special attacker.

I agree with Icey about sylveon

Bisharp looks good!

The EV's heatran has in SpD should be in SpA

I would change outrage to dragon claw on salemence because your opponents can use protect and then your Pokemon will be confused.

I like the bulky support Arcanine! I would change firespin to either flare blitz or over heat depending if you prefer physical or special. This is because those moves are powerful enough to KO annoying things like ferrothorn


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RE: VGC newbie over here, any help is appreciated before I start going to tournaments - by tygaa2 - Jan 5, 2015, 02:27 PM

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