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[RATE MY TEAM] VGC newbie over here, any help is appreciated before I start going to tournaments
Do not take Dragon Tail off of Milotic. It isn't there for providing great offensive pressure. Many good players keep their intimidate users in the back so they don't give boosts to things like bisharp/milotic leads. Dragon tailing will give it a chance to force out an intimidater and give you your boost. Lando is very common this format and I've witnessed a match myself where they led with Lando against a Milotic, Milotic got the +2 Special Attack from intimidate, Lando U-turned out immediately, and in that same turn Milotic Dragon Tail'd a hydreigon into Lando. Giving it +4 Special Attack.

You can't get anything like that by running a Hidden Power without losing such favorable momentum.

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RE: VGC newbie over here, any help is appreciated before I start going to tournaments - by Rogue - Jan 5, 2015, 03:39 PM

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