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[RATE MY TEAM] VGC team (Edited)
So I made a new VGC team just a while ago and tried it out on Battle spot which this team has 27 wins 27 Losses so I am wondering what you guys think of my team. I do not know how to do damage Calcs so I apologize for that

252 HP 128 Def 128 Sp.Def
Relaxed nature
Black Sludge
Rage powder
Giga drain

The reason I put him on the team is to help my Mega Kangaskahn set up. If I predict a will-o-wisp or a thunder wave to try to shut Kangaskahn down then I can redirect it to Amoongus which won't be affecting him too much. Since Concerlder are somewhat common in VGC, I can redirect attacks ment for Kang and have a not verry offective hit on Amoongus instead. Amoongus can put pokemon to sleep which is an added bonus. If I get taunted I can still gain health back while dealing damage with Giga drain. And protect is for scouting

As for the EV spread, I wanted Amoongus to survive as long as possable. I Maxed the IV and split the EV for Def/Sp def so I can absorb hits and still live

Kangaskahn (mega)
252 HP 252 Attack
Jolly nature
Scrappy-Parental Bond
Fake out
Power up punch
Double edge
Sucker Punch

A great opener,  I can lead with a fake out while Amoongus spores the other, the next turn power up punch while Amoongus Rage powders, then I can use Sucker Punch on who ever tries to Attack. Power up punch is also useful for pokemon with intimidate ((which is highly common in VGC)) because it cancells out the intimidate and since it hits twice you get +1.

As for the EV spread I Maxed Attack for trying to blow up everything in my way and maxed HP so I can live with just enough to do some damage to the opponents team. The reason for the nature is so I can break Speed ties with Opposing Mega Kangs ((hopefully))

252 Sp. Attack 70 Hp 184Def ((if I did my math right))
Quiet nature
Choice specs
Hyper voice
Shodow ball
Hidden power ((Ground))

So on paper My team so far is Intimadate bait. So I put Sylveon because high Sp. Attack. Not a lot can resist Pixilate Hyper voice with a Specs boost. How ever thoughs that do are a Pain. If all they have left were Steel and poison type, than hidden power ground will just blow them up. If I see a sp wall I can use psyshock because it Attacks them with physical damage instead of special damage even though it's physical... Which makes complete sense kappa

As for the EV Spreed its kinda like Amoongus mixed with kangaskhan with Sp Attack instead of physical. I want to keep Sylveon alive as long as possable while being able to hit hard.the reason I put so much in Def and not sp def is because Sylveon has a naturally high Sp Def.

252 Speed 252 Att.
Adament nature
Weekness Policy
Sky drop
Dragon dance
Fire punch

Probably my favorite pokemon in my team, reason being is because of sky drop. I can take a threatining pokemon from my opponents team refuse him to attack for that turn ((or the next turn depending on how fast he is)) then do decent damage the following turn. This also helps to get pokemon like Kangaskahn to set up if needed. Dragon Dance to rais speed and to cancel out Intimadate and weekness policy because Dragonite has some pretty comon weeknesses so if I can survive a super effective Attack I can get +2 Att +2 Sp att.

For the EV I put Max Speed to out speed as many things as possable, and Max Attack to hit hard before they can hit me

252 Attack 252 speed
Adament Nature
Life Orb
Flare blitz
Extreme speed
Close Combat
Wild charge

So With my team I noticed a common Ice weekness, I saw my Arcanine in my PC and thought he doesn't really geat to battle and he is a great Attacker. Also has Intimadate to kinda help "check "a Physical Ice pokemon that they have. If a opposing pokemon was low on health extream speed will help take care of it. Other then that it's basically your Average Arcanine. Wild charge to deal with water. Close combat for coverage. And Flare Blitz for Stab.

EV are much like Dragonite. Want to out speed slower pokemon and Max Att to blow everything up...nothing too fancy    

252 Sp Att 252 Speed
Timid Nature
Focus sash
Leaf storm
Dragon pulse
Giga drain
Hidden power ((rock))

This is just kind of a little gimmick I don't really use it that much but when I do it's effective. Basically your common Serperior set, leaf storm to raise sp Att dragon pulse for coverage Giga Drain a For Sustain and Hidden power rock for coverage... Like I said this is just a gimmick I use when I don't know what else to bring.

So like I said this is just a comman set, out speed 252 and 252 Sp Attack to kill everyone

So tell me what you think of my team I am open to criticism.
For starters we need more decriptions on your pokemon, tell us what their main purpose,
your team seems really offensive the only defensive pokemon you have is amoongus and also no form of speed control
when looking at your teams weaknesses and resistances you dont have any pokemon that resist (based on other pokemon's weaknesses) Flying, Poison, Rock and Psychic (although your moves may protect those weaknesses)
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(Jun 18, 2015, 03:58 PM)Marcusube Wrote:

[Image: facepalm.gif~c200]

Please read the Rate My Team Notice thread and follow suit. Otherwise we have the right to skip over this post.

Ok I hope i edtited it correctly.
"Kangaskahn (mega)
252 HP 252 Attack
Jolly nature
The reason for the nature is so I can break Speed ties with Opposing Mega Kangs ((hopefully))"

Just thought I'd point out that most Jolly Kangs tend to run 252atk, 252speed. You won't be out running or speed tying any of those.

Also, you will be out spead by any Adamant Kangs that run at least 100speed (Jolly 0speed = 132, Adamant 100speed = 133).

I only bring this up because you explicitly say " The reason for the nature is so I can break Speed ties "

Hope this helps :-)

This is what your team looks like on paper. With no resistances to Normal, your team is already threatened by the most used Mega Evolution in the game and you have almost no way to properly counter that. Not to mention none of your Pokemon resist the common Rock Slide but 2 of them are weak to it. You can see your other weaknesses yourself but those two immediately stood out to me.

This team looks like a compilation of Smogon sets and VGC sets. Evidence of this is the offensive Arcanine set, the lack of protect on Serperior and Dragonite, only offensive moves are in each set and so forth

As a heads up, to do damage calculations use this calculator and use these or these statistics to see what your team matches up against and how many EVs you need to secure knock outs and survive attacks. I also like this article, this one and this one as well for they help me to know the common threats, sets, speed tiers and how to EV my team around them.

So without further ado, your team

Standard Amoonguss set except the EV spread. Adjust the EVs in a way you see fit. A goal you could try to achieve is to OHKO defensively invested Gastrodon 100% of the time while simultaneously surviving Heat Wave from Timid Max Special Attack Charizard Y and Double Edge from Jolly Mega Kangaskhan. I recommend Rocky Helmet over Black Sludge seeing as how you are shielding Kang from its main weakness, Fighting moves, which are generally contact moves so it allows you to break Focus Sashes on Pokemon like Terrakion and even Bisharp when it uses Knock Off on Amoonguss.

Your Kangaskhan build should be Adamant not Jolly. A majority of Kangaskhan are Jolly Max Speed so you're not winning any speed tiers anytime soon. By going Adamant, you can invest more defensively and less into speed meaning you have a better chance of surviving Terrakion's Close Combat, Landorus-T Superpower, Mega Lucario Aura Sphere and Mega Lopunny's Low Kick.

All EVs must be a multiple of 4 so yeah your math is incorrect. I'm not sure what that EV spread is to survive (because you didn't state it) so I can't critique on that. I recommend scrapping HP Ground and opting for either Sleep Talk or Quick Attack. HP Ground is extremely situational and only checks one thing, Heatran, which Kangaskhan, Arcanine and Dragonite shouldn't have a problem with. HP Ground as a stand alone attack on a Choice Specs mon is mediocre and if predicted by the opponent can cost you the game.

Outrage isn't good in VGC and Fire Punch isn't checking much either. As for item, I would go for Yache or Lum Berry here. Weakness Policy Dragonite works in singles because everything is single target meaning that you always get at least one Dragon Dance off thanks to Multiscale. In VGC, completely different case. Better move options would be Ice Punch, Ice Beam, Dragon Claw, Superpower, Thunder Wave and even Extreme Speed. Also you need Protect on this thing.

I read the reasoning for the Dragonite and Arcanine EV spread. Dude, the idea isn't to be max speed to outspeed, you need to know your speed tiers and distribute enough speed EVs to achieve the goal of outspeeding a threat and in the case your mon isn't fast enough then you need to consider speed control moves like Thunder Wave, Icy Wind, Tailwind or Trick Room.

Anyways, all out offensive Arcanine is just plain awful in VGC. Firstly, if you get Intimidated, Arcanine has very abysmal offensive impact. Secondly, Arcanine's movepool isn't all that great. Thirdly, it gets outsped by threats that either OHKO it or flinch it to dead with Rock Slide. Lastly, Arcanine's defensive typing and defensive movepool are better than its offensive. I would suggest a Leftovers Arcanine set with Snarl, Will-o-Wisp, Flamethrower and Morning Sun/Protect.

Gimmick've gotta be kidding me. Scrap Serperior and find a support Pokemon. Your team has enough offensive options as it is but lacks speed control, status moves, things to stop status moves and you still have an unbalance in weaknesses and resistances.

This isn't a bad team but many things were overlooked in the development stages and it is evident because you didn't give any relevant damage calculations, you didn't state what issues you had while testing the team (if you even did) and most of the set choices appear to not acknowledge the VGC meta game
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