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[REQUEST] A competitive VGC team with the following moveset and natures
Hiya.This is my first time here at Pokemon Forever so I'm new to the rules here so feel free to move the thread to somewhere else

Anywho I'm a noob when it comes to  breeding and I'm having a hard time getting some of the egg moves and right natures for some of my mons and I've been testing a team on Pokemon Showdown for VGC 2017 so I wanted to see whether it's possible for some one to give me the following:

Chansey,Bold nature,Natural Cure Ability with:

Seismic Toss
Heal Bell
Helping Hand
heal Pulse

Espeon, a Timid Nature,Magic Bounce with

Light Screen
Helping Hand

Alolan Raichu,Hasty Nature with

Fake Out

Clefable,Calm Nature,Magic Guard with:

Follow Me
Thunder Wave

Pheromosa,Modest Nature with:

Bug Buzz
Quiver Dance
Focus Blast

Lucario,Adamant Nature,Justified with

Bullet Punch
Close Combat
Extreme Speed
Swords Dance

My friend code is listed in my page so let me know if you'll be adding me

Some of these you can get in game
True but I kinda want some of them with better IVs and with some of the Egg moves that I can't get as of yet cuz the only way to pass Bullet Punch to a riolu is through breeding with a Hitmonchan.......and I had a really bad time finding a Tyrogue let alone Hitmonchan on GTS without people asking for ridiculous requests in return like a level 1 Mewtwo
Actually to get bullet punch (and crunch if you want it) on a riolu you just need to breed it with a pancham or a smeargle. However if you wana skip that step I can give you a pretty good justified riolu (and anticipation eevee) to start with, just @ me or send me a PM if you are interested Smile

Quick edit: they won't be perfect (4-5IVs) but if you don't mind doing some breeding then you'll be good!
(Jan 28, 2017, 02:07 AM)wpendragon Wrote: Actually to get bullet punch (and crunch if you want it) on a riolu you just need to breed it with a pancham or a smeargle. However if you wana skip that step I can give you a pretty good justified riolu (and anticipation eevee) to start with, just @ me or send me a PM if you are interested Smile

Quick edit: they won't be perfect (4-5IVs) but if you don't mind doing some breeding then you'll be good!

Fine by me ^_^

I'll PM you later today

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