Aug 4, 2016, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2016, 12:45 PM by LWiki.)
Hello everyone,
LWiki here! I'm currently playing Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and I'm trying to complete my Regional Pokédex (Hoenn). After I complete my Regional Pokédex I have set myself the goal to complete my Nation Pokédex, for that task to be completed I'm going to need as many people as possible to contribute.
Below I'm going to provide a list of the Pokémon from 1st - 3rd generation that I still need to catch. Right now my priority is to complete the Regional Pokédex, but if any of you have any Pokémon from the list I'd really appreciate it. I will try to keep the list updated to make it easier for those of you who are trying to help. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
Another thing, my long time goal is to complete a *Living Pokédex* so for those of you who don't mind me keeping your Pokémon please let me know. Those of you who would like to get your Pokémon back please specify that as well.
Hey, new here. If you need a Bagon, Beldum, Stantler, Smeargle, Girafarig and Pineco, I can breed you some from my Living dex (Completed it late last year.)
I won't need any returned to me, so feel free to use them for your living dex! And in return for these mons, I really don't ask much. I like fossil Pokemon, so if you have any spares I would really appreciate them. If you don't have any duplicate fossil Pokemon, then don't feel pressured to give them to me, because I know you want a living dex. Honestly you could give me 17 Caterpie and it doesn't make a difference to me. Add my FC and we can get trading!
Cool! It looks like some offers were already posted while I was searching and typing my post. I can exclude Azuril, Bagon, and Beldum for you since they have already been put on the table. Of course if you ever wanted them they are still available. Since you mentioned that you are breeding, I should inform you that I do have some fossil Pokemon at this moment. So you won't need to breed Tirtouga, Sheildon, or Kranidos for me. That said I am missing all the other fossils so I certainly wouldn't turn any down!! Just tag me in your post once you've bred up some mons, and I'll get you what you need!