I have been a lot bussy since 3 months ago and I have just played pokemon Yellow. I want to play competitive again for a while so I need to check if they are new rules, pokemon changed from tiers, etc. Anyways I am searching for
HA Crobat level from 80 to 100, shiny or not, Adamant nature, with life orb. 5IV´S or 6IV´S. EV: 252 defense, 252sp. defense and 4HP.
-Cross poisson
-Steel wings.
PM me to show you what pokemon do you want, and you will take that one and another one for free. Please reply someone.
(May 14, 2016, 11:57 AM)Excalibur0126 Wrote: I can breed you a hidden ability Zubat.
@Excalibur0126 yes please please, but can you evolve him to Crobat? I dont have that time to raise his happiness. If you evolve him until crobat, at any level, I will give you 2 pokemon
I have been growing these awesome berries, since I saw their potential of raising Pokemon in general. Although they reduce the EV spreads on a certain pkmn, its best to feed certain pkmn (mostly hatched pkmn) at its base EV value.
Have Zubat hold the soothe bell while activating the friendship o-power from the PSS. As you feed Zubat with the friendship berries, it will develop a mutual friendship for you.
Alternative: EV train Zubat into Crobat; it can still evolve in its final form
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)