Mar 17, 2015, 02:37 PM
I'm looking for a prankster Meowstic Male if anyone has one, doesnt have to be perfect, I can breed it from a breedject, but I'd appreciate it.
I'm also looking for a serene grace togekiss if anyone can help. Again a trash breed-ject would be fine
I have breedjects of growlithe, HA slurpuff, sharpedo, marill and squirtle for trade. I also have a shiney carvanha for trad and a couple of 5IV Adamant growlithe with flash fire if anyone can help. I also have Latios and shiny Latios to offer and Ho-oh, Articuno, Reshiram, Rayquazza, Cobalian, Terrakion, Azelf and Mesprit.
I'm looking for a prankster Meowstic Male if anyone has one, doesnt have to be perfect, I can breed it from a breedject, but I'd appreciate it.
I'm also looking for a serene grace togekiss if anyone can help. Again a trash breed-ject would be fine
I have breedjects of growlithe, HA slurpuff, sharpedo, marill and squirtle for trade. I also have a shiney carvanha for trad and a couple of 5IV Adamant growlithe with flash fire if anyone can help. I also have Latios and shiny Latios to offer and Ho-oh, Articuno, Reshiram, Rayquazza, Cobalian, Terrakion, Azelf and Mesprit.