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I would prefer people in my Timezone so I don't keep anyone awake for work or school but I need help completing the national Dex and for anyone that helps I will in a week try to breed shiny eevees for all who help

the thing I'm gonna do is tomorrow I'm gonna try to make a list of all the Pokemon I need to complete the national Dex and so I don't have to trade back can I try to get eggs of the Pokemon I need so we can have them instead of spending more time trading back and forth I will give everyone that offers to help a week but if you need more time I'll try to arrange a new time set and I will be grateful to anyone that helps thanks for everyone that helps

p.s sorry if request sounds a bit rude I didn't know how to type it and I was in a bit of a rush
Hey man I'll check back up when you have got your list sorted and see if there is anything I can do to help
I will also help you. Smile
Thanks I'll get the list up tomorrow
I will try to help you out as well ^_^
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
I'll see what I can do :D
Thanks everyone for the names I don't know I will put the number and if I put some down with more than one evolution please just send the first evolution egg and sorry if it's long I'm missing about 200 all up and if I list legendarys I'll trade a legendary for back then trade back:
#029.     ( I know that that's the nidoqueen evolution)
#032.      ( I know it's the nidoking evolution)
#056.           (I've seen the primeape from a trainer so I know it's a manky)
just to be sure if number 134 isn't a eevee lotion can someone tell me
#173.        (I know 174 is its evolution because togepi is after 174)
#211.       (Trainer had a grandbull 
i think these evolve from remoraid but just in case. #224.      #225
i have elekid and magby so if I list them just ignore it 
and lasty for the joto ho-oh
#436 to #439
just to be safe if this is a draphion ignore it #452
#453 to #457
#459 to #463
#465 to #476
#492 to #496
#507 to #516
#522 to #529
#532 to #534
ive seen a throh but don't have one
#580 to #584
#590 and # 591
i need a litwik 
#618 to #620
#622 to #625
#631 and #632
#646 to #650
#669 to #678
#683 to 685
#688 to #690
#698 to #700
#710 to #715
and the last Pokemon I need is yveltal

I will thank anyone that helps out by trying to get you a shiny eevee but I will need about a week after completing the nationa Dex because of the shiny charm I will be breeding a shiny eevee a generous user gave to me and a Japanese ditto so I will have much better chances to get you one
Hey is there a way you could go through this list with a site like serebii or bulbapedia to get the names put into this list?
If people are helping you it will be easier to just look in the PC or PokeBank for the pokemon instead of also having to look up what pokemon it is.
(Jun 12, 2016, 01:57 AM)PrinceeZuko Wrote: Hey is there a way you could go through this list with a site like serebii or bulbapedia to get the names put into this list?
If people are helping you it will be easier to just look in the PC or PokeBank for the pokemon instead of also having to look up what pokemon it is.

yep I'll edit the list

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