Sep 11, 2016, 10:04 AM
I've been trying to complete my living dex in my Alpha Sapphire game for about a month and a half now. I'm over 75% done but there are legends and other pokemon that I can't get. I would really appreciate it if I could have some help with it!
***I am 100% willing to give the pokemon back if you don't have an extra.***
I have most of the starters and a bunch of other mons that I'm willing to trade (as long as I have more than one of it.)
Ok, here a the pokemon I need in each generation: *their pokedex numbers are in parenthesis*
2nd Gen
***I am 100% willing to give the pokemon back if you don't have an extra.***
I have most of the starters and a bunch of other mons that I'm willing to trade (as long as I have more than one of it.)
Ok, here a the pokemon I need in each generation: *their pokedex numbers are in parenthesis*
- Zapdos (145)
- Regigigas (486)
- Rhydon (112)
- Tauros (128)
- Zapdos (145)
2nd Gen
- Crobat (169)
- Ampharos (181)
- Yanma (193)
- Quagsire (195)
- Dunsparce (206)
- Gligar (207)
- Snubbul (209)
- Qwilfish (211)
- Sneasel (215)
- Kingdra (230)
- Phanpy (231)
- Porygon2 (233)
- Smoochum (238)
- Magby (240)
- Combusken (256)
- Dustox (269)
- Nuzleaf (274)
- Shiftry (275)
- Slaking (289)
- Ninjask (291)
- Shedninja (292)
- Nosepass (299)
- Wailord (321)
- Vibrava (329)
- Flygon (330)
- Cacturne (332)
- Corphish (341)
- Cradilly (346)
- Armaldo (348)
- Dusclops (356)
- Chimecho (358)
- Walrein (369)
- Huntail (367)
- Gorebyss (368)
- Grotle (388)
- Torterra (389)
- Staravia (397)
- Staraptor (398)
- Bidoof (399)
- Kricketot (401)
- Bastiodon (411)
- Wormadam (413)
- Mothim (414)
- Vespiqueen (416)
- Pachirisu (417)
- Buizel (418)
- Floatzel (419)
- Gastrodon (423)
- Drifblim (426)
- Lopunny (428)
- Skuntank (435)
- Bronzong (437)
- Bonsly (438)
- Chatot (441)
- Hippowdown (450)
- Finneon (456)
- Lumineon (457)
- Weavile (461)
- Lickilicky (463)
- Rhypherior (464)
- Tangrowth (465)
- Electirive (466)
- Magmortar (467)
- Yanmega (469)
- Gliscor (472)
- Mamoswine (473)
- Porygon-Z (474)
- Propobass (476)
- Regigigas (486)
- Servine (496)
- Pignite (499)
- Patrat (504)
- Stoutland (508)
- Purrloin (509)
- Simisage (512)
- Simipour (516)
- Unfezant (521)
- Boldore (525)
- Gigalith (526)
- Swoobat (528)
- Timburr (532)
- Gurdurr (533)
- Conkeldurr (534)
- Palpitoad (536)
- Seismitoad (537)
- Throh (538)
- Sawk (539)
- Swadloon (541)
- Venipede (543)
- Whirlipede (544)
- Scolipede (545)
- Whimsicott (547)
- Petilil (548)
- Lilligant (549)
- Krokorok (552)
- Krookodile (553)
- Scrafty (560)
- Yamasc (562)
- Carracosta (565)
- Archeops (567)
- Garbodor (569)
- Minccino (572)
- Cinccino (573)
- Gothorita (575)
- Gothitelle (576)
- Duosion (578)
- Reuncilus (579)
- Ducklett (580)
- Swanna (581)
- Vanilette (582)
- Vanillish (583)
- Vanilluxe (584)
- Karrablast (588)
- Escavalier (589)
- Amoonguss (591)
- Jellicent (593)
- Joltic (595)
- Galvantula (596)
- Ferrothorn (598)
- Klang (600)
- Klinklang (601)
- Eelektrik (603)
- Eelektross (604)
- Beheeyem (606)
- Chandelure (609)
- Fraxure (611)
- Haxorus (612)
- Shelmet (616)
- Accelgor (617)
- Stunfisk (618)
- Golett (622)
- Golurk (623)
- Bisharp (625)
- Bouffalant (626)
- Mandibuzz (630)
- Heatmor (631)
- Zweilous (634)
- Volcarona (637)
- Quiladin (651)
- Chesnaught (652)
- Braxien (654)
- Delphox (655)
- Diggersby (660)
- Talonflame (663)
- Floette (670)
- Skiddo (672)
- Gogoat (673)
- Aegislash (681)
- Spritzee (682)
- Slurpuff (685)
- Inkay (686)
- Barbaricle (689)
- Skrelp (690)
- Clawitzer (693)
- Heliosk (695)
- Carbink (703)
- Pumpkaboo (710)