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[REQUEST] Help with Pokedex?
I've been trying to complete my living dex in my Alpha Sapphire game for about a month and a half now. I'm over 75% done but there are legends and other pokemon that I can't get. I would really appreciate it if I could have some help with it!

***I am 100% willing to give the pokemon back if you don't have an extra.***

I have most of the starters and a bunch of other mons that I'm willing to trade (as long as I have more than one of it.) 

Ok, here a the pokemon I need in each generation: *their pokedex numbers are in parenthesis*

  1. Zapdos (145)
  2. Regigigas (486)
1st Gen
  1. Rhydon (112)
  2. Tauros (128)
  3. Zapdos (145)

2nd Gen
  1. Crobat (169)
  2. Ampharos (181)
  3. Yanma (193)
  4. Quagsire (195)
  5. Dunsparce (206)
  6. Gligar (207)
  7. Snubbul (209)
  8. Qwilfish (211)
  9. Sneasel (215)
  10. Kingdra (230)
  11. Phanpy (231)
  12. Porygon2 (233)
  13. Smoochum (238)
  14. Magby (240)
3rd Gen
  1. Combusken (256)
  2. Dustox (269)
  3. Nuzleaf (274)
  4. Shiftry (275)
  5. Slaking (289)
  6. Ninjask (291)
  7. Shedninja (292)
  8. Nosepass (299)
  9. Wailord (321)
  10. Vibrava (329)
  11. Flygon (330)
  12. Cacturne (332)
  13. Corphish (341)
  14. Cradilly (346)
  15. Armaldo (348)
  16. Dusclops (356)
  17. Chimecho (358)
  18. Walrein (369)
  19. Huntail (367)
  20. Gorebyss (368)
4th Gen
  1. Grotle (388)
  2. Torterra (389)
  3. Staravia (397)
  4. Staraptor (398)
  5. Bidoof (399)
  6. Kricketot (401)
  7. Bastiodon (411)
  8. Wormadam (413)
  9. Mothim (414)
  10. Vespiqueen (416)
  11. Pachirisu (417)
  12. Buizel (418)
  13. Floatzel (419)
  14. Gastrodon (423)
  15. Drifblim (426)
  16. Lopunny (428)
  17. Skuntank (435)
  18. Bronzong (437)
  19. Bonsly (438)
  20. Chatot (441)
  21. Hippowdown (450)
  22. Finneon (456)
  23. Lumineon (457)
  24. Weavile (461)
  25. Lickilicky (463)
  26. Rhypherior (464)
  27. Tangrowth (465)
  28. Electirive (466)
  29. Magmortar (467)
  30. Yanmega (469)
  31. Gliscor (472)
  32. Mamoswine (473)
  33. Porygon-Z (474)
  34. Propobass (476)
  35. Regigigas (486)
5th Gen
  1. Servine (496)
  2. Pignite (499)
  3. Patrat (504)
  4. Stoutland (508)
  5. Purrloin (509)
  6. Simisage (512)
  7. Simipour (516)
  8. Unfezant (521)
  9. Boldore (525)
  10. Gigalith (526)
  11. Swoobat (528)
  12. Timburr (532)
  13. Gurdurr (533)
  14. Conkeldurr (534)
  15. Palpitoad (536)
  16. Seismitoad (537)
  17. Throh (538)
  18. Sawk (539)
  19. Swadloon (541)
  20. Venipede (543)
  21. Whirlipede (544)
  22. Scolipede (545)
  23. Whimsicott (547)
  24. Petilil (548)
  25. Lilligant (549)
  26. Krokorok (552)
  27. Krookodile (553)
  28. Scrafty (560)
  29. Yamasc (562)
  30. Carracosta (565)
  31. Archeops (567)
  32. Garbodor (569)
  33. Minccino (572)
  34. Cinccino (573)
  35. Gothorita (575)
  36. Gothitelle (576)
  37. Duosion (578)
  38. Reuncilus (579)
  39. Ducklett (580)
  40. Swanna (581)
  41. Vanilette (582)
  42. Vanillish (583)
  43. Vanilluxe (584)
  44. Karrablast (588)
  45. Escavalier (589)
  46. Amoonguss (591)
  47. Jellicent (593)
  48. Joltic (595)
  49. Galvantula (596)
  50. Ferrothorn (598)
  51. Klang (600)
  52. Klinklang (601)
  53. Eelektrik (603)
  54. Eelektross (604)
  55. Beheeyem (606)
  56. Chandelure (609)
  57. Fraxure (611)
  58. Haxorus (612)
  59. Shelmet (616)
  60. Accelgor (617)
  61. Stunfisk (618)
  62. Golett (622)
  63. Golurk (623)
  64. Bisharp (625)
  65. Bouffalant (626)
  66. Mandibuzz (630)
  67. Heatmor (631)
  68. Zweilous (634)
  69. Volcarona (637)
6th Gen
  1. Quiladin (651)
  2. Chesnaught (652)
  3. Braxien (654)
  4. Delphox (655)
  5. Diggersby (660)
  6. Talonflame (663)
  7. Floette (670)
  8. Skiddo (672)
  9. Gogoat (673)
  10. Aegislash (681)
  11. Spritzee (682)
  12. Slurpuff (685)
  13. Inkay (686)
  14. Barbaricle (689)
  15. Skrelp (690)
  16. Clawitzer (693)
  17. Heliosk (695)
  18. Carbink (703)
  19. Pumpkaboo (710)
Yes, I know it's a lot but I would really appreciate help on this!
I have wailord
I am adding you as I type this, I will trade what I have to you for your dex, just update as we go along on your end as well bud.

You can keep any non legendaries I have, to pass onto others.
i need help with pokedex too so y'all can add me if u wanna help ):
@alanlsr Adding you right now, just PM me a full list and add me as well and I'll help you out with what I have.

@jemma355 I haven't heard a response, do you still need help or?
Check pm @Voidbrand

I can give you Snubbull, Smoochum, and Inkay.
@Voidbrand OMG my computer was getting fixed. I just saw this. Yes! I still need help!
@Eugenio I'll take 'em
@jemma355 I can trade you bronzong, wailord, shelmet, nosepass, chimecho, delphox, staravia, drifblim, purrloin, minccino, spritzee, finneon, and sneasel if you still need them. Some of them are foreign or have nicknames, though. My FC is 1736-2865-9576 (my 2DS, the FC on my profile is for my 3DS).
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!

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