So as the title says I need help with my kanto pokedex! I need some pokes for it. We can do tradebacks or I can give you something else depending on how many pokes you give me!
So list of what I Need:Rattata, raticate,spearow, Fearow, Ekans, Nidoqueen, nidoking, Clefairie and clefable, parasect, diglett, Meowth, persian, Mankey, primeape, Poliwhirl and poliwrath, Bellsprout, victreeble,ponyta, rapidash,Shelder, cloyster, Drowzee, hypno, krabby kingler, exeggsecute, exeggutor, Marowak, hitmonlee,hitmonchan,lickytung, jinx, electabuzz, magmar, lapras, Moltres, Dratini, dragonair!
Those are the pokemons I need for my kanto dex!
Im glad if anyone could help a brotha out!
So list of what I Need:Rattata, raticate,
Those are the pokemons I need for my kanto dex!
Im glad if anyone could help a brotha out!