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[REQUEST] LF Darkrai codes for EU
hey guys Im looking for 2 Dakrai codes for EU. IF possible tell me waht you want in exchange.
Hey man looking for mew or diancie, Got the codes for darkrai in EU.
I have mew for you @PrinceeZuko
Sick man! Just adding your friend code the now
@PrinceeZuko added you coming on how will we trade?
If your cool to traded me the mew ill send the two codes through to you in a pm on here?
yeah Im online
(May 12, 2016, 01:56 PM)PrinceeZuko Wrote: Hey man looking for mew or diancie, Got the codes for darkrai in EU.
Dude, I have a mew !! please trade for one of your EU codes
Hey, i'm looking for a EU darkrai code because the place where i live stays far away from FNAC. If one of you guys can help me with this i would be appreciate
(May 13, 2016, 06:49 PM)matb95 Wrote: Hey, i'm looking for a EU darkrai code because the place where i live stays far away from FNAC. If one of you guys can help me with this i would be appreciate
I have a EU darkrai code if you´re intrested.

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