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[REQUEST] Throw me Ideas!
The title, i am kinda stuck on ideas of teambuilding. can anyone throw me interesting ideas to teambuild around? any help will be appreciated Smile
Try building one around the newly allowed Event Raikou, utilizing weather ball. Pairing it up with T-tar, Zard-y or politoed seems pretty fun. Or even Abomasnow, a Raikou with base 100 ice attack puts HP ice to shame.

Are you looking for viable battle strats or just crazy sets?
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Use physical Alakazam. New meta Smile
(Sep 20, 2015, 07:59 AM)sandragon13 Wrote: Are you looking for viable battle strats or just crazy sets?

something unusual that will work good against the meta.
Cresselia Heatran amoongus lando t kanguskhan mega and thundurus

i mean its a pretty good team it has speed controll indimidate redirection and spore kappa

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I say go with a Mega Sceptile+ Scarfed Thundurus-T core. It is basically, it is Discharge with Lightningrod, and you get supercharged on power, and sweep everything.
To be honest right now, my Tailwind team works just fine though :P just wanted a bit of change in it

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