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Redeem your pokemon
Pokemon Deposited: Zorua (Zorz)
Level of Deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon Requested: Thundurus
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Luke

I'm ready for a while now if you are
@moo311 adding you right now, Ill sit around in festival plaza
I'm ready to trade
@Mink007 I'm taking other requests once I finish all of the requests at this moment.
@Jjrox14 I can't see it Sad
@Tomlepanda Enjoy Smile
@Lazer-Bunny I added you Smile When can you trade? (My timezone is EST)
@Chris7599 I added you Smile When can you trade? (My timezone is EST)
@Rodnysolis Enjoy Smile
@Rurek I don't see it Sad
@Bird's Demise Enjoy Smile
@FutureJess69 Enjoy Smile
@wartty I don't see it Sad
@NotsoEpicM I don't see it Sad
@vholiveira I don't see it Sad
@NotsoEpicM I don't see it Sad
@lelcharmander Enjoy Smile
@Paula-Parade Enjoy Smile
@bobeable Since your pokemon is not an event, we will do a gts trade. Link trades are just for events Smile
@BlackBear Since your gengar is an event, we have to direct trade it.
@Ren Add my FC.
@atonementblade Add my FC.
@NotsoEpicM I don't see it Sad
@Murkus We have to link trade since your gengar is an event.
@stevebs11 Add my FC.
@Rurek I don't see it Sad
@SmeargleOfTime I added you Smile When can you trade? (My timezone is EST)
@lelcharmander Sent Smile
@atonementblade Add my FC.
@Mertzstache Just added you Smile
@Ren Add my FC.
Done , I'm on festive plaza
I'm on festival plaza now. i already added you
@RenCan you trade me back the Mew? I gave you the wrong one.
@Murkus I'll trade with you as soon as I'm done trading with @Ren
Thank you so so so so so so much!!!!!! Your the best

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