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@Theobroco Greninja can't be traded
The Necrozma must be unfused before trading, but I don't really understand about the Greninja

I don't remember because it was quick but maybe he was already in "Ash Form" outside of battle which is impossible but I think doable with PkHex? Other than that idk

Remember, if you don't get them by Saturday (I'm not talking about notifying me by Saturday), with no exceptions, they will be deleted.

@Theobroco I can't trade the greninja because there's an error saying it can't match to the event database.
Do you want me to put 2 mons online for GTS trading the Necrozmas since that's only two trades? And then we give up on the Greninja because it's an event?
@Theobroco Yeah
Okay then I put a

lvl 1 Male Abra (Nest ball, kinda green)
IGN: Broco
Asking for a Necrozma lvl 100 (unfuse it!)
@Theobroco Enjoy Smile
And then... the same for the second one

lvl 1 Male Abra (Nest ball, kinda green)
IGN: Broco
Asking for a Necrozma lvl 100 (unfuse it!)

And that would be it! Thanks a lot again!
@moo311 okay so its 8PM SAT
@TheLastStaravia @afsetxafset I have an impromptu doctor's appointment coming up so I might not be able to make the trade.
@Lucky Chloe I'm ready to trade now

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