Of course, I'm talking about Shiny Raikou and Shiny Entei as Roamers in Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver. At first you may think all you have to do is Save just before encountering them in the wild for the first time. Ideally this would be perfect, but alas, the actual method are far more tedious.Once released from Burned Tower, that is the point when Raikou and Entei's data is written and set. Then you can encounter them. This is the ''''''''''quickest'''''''''' method of encountering the Roamers: Save in front of the Beasts at the Burned Tower, release them, then go encounter them. There are two methods to encountering them here. Go to Route 37 (closest grass patch) and have a Pokemon ideally above Level 20 and activate your trap card a Repel. You WILL need lots of Repels, Raikou and Entei can take their time to show up. With the Repel active just run around the grass while exiting and re-entering Route 37 to continuously reset their location until you eventually find both. Or you can exit and re-enter Route 37 while checking the map to see if Raikou and Entei show up at Route 37, this saves Repel usage but consumes far more time. If they are not Shiny, reset and release them from the Burned Tower and start encountering again. The hunt is extremely tedious in that you HAVE to meet Raikou and Entei at the Burned Tower every Reset which with goood button mashing and fast text scroll takes almost a minute to get through, so wow, one minute just to start encountering your target. Then there's the fact that Raikou and Entei may not even appear consistently. Giving up on this hunt to take the easier approach and using Gen 6/7 to SR them is nothing to be ashamed about, this hunt is very VERY time consuming. But this hunt, because of how hard it is, pulling it off is insane and something to be proud of. Now you may ask who in their right mind would even WANT to do this? Me. I want Raikou for my SoulSilver Badgequest. I started an hour ago and am currently only at 5 Resets. Yep. Anyway, know another tough hunt? Let us know.