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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
(Jan 1, 2017, 01:08 PM)wartty Wrote: UPDATED
Welcome to the!

~With the pokebank update approaching figured its about time i got this thing going ~

Lets start with whats available for now:
[Image: togedemaru.png]
Ability : Sturdy
[Image: pikipek.png]
Ability : Pickup (Sheer Force upon Evolution)
[Image: fomantis.png]
Ability : Contrary
[Image: mareanie.png]
Ability : Regenerator
[Image: dewpider.png]
Ability : Water Absorb
[Image: pyukumuku.png]
Ability : Unaware
[Image: morelull.png]
Ability : Rain Dish
[Image: sandygast.png]
Ability : Sand Veil
[Image: bounsweet.png]
Ability : Sweet Veil
[Image: comfey.png]
Ability : Natural Cure
[Image: bruxish.png]
Ability : Wonder Skin
[Image: stufful.png]
Ability : Cute Charm (Unnerve upon evolution)
[Image: salandit.png]
Ability : Oblivious
[Image: crabrawler.png]
Ability : Anger Point
[Image: drampa.png]
Ability : Cloud Nine
[Image: yungoos.png]
Ability : Adaptability
[Image: mudbray.png]
Ability : Inner Focus
[Image: jangmo-o.png]
Ability : Overcoat
[Image: cutiefly.png]
Ability : Sweet Veil
[Image: rockruff.png]
Ability: Steadfast

Alolan Forms

[Image: geodude-alola.png]
Ability : Galvanize
[Image: rattata-alola.png]
Ability : Thick Fat
[Image: diglett-alola.png]
Ability : Sand Force
[Image: grimer-alola.png]
Ability : Power of Alchemy
[Image: sandshrew-alola.png]
Ability : Slush Rush
[Image: vulpix-alola.png]
Ability : Snow Warning
[Image: cubone.png]
Ability : Battle Armor
[Image: exeggcute.png]
Ability : Harvest
[Image: meowth-alola.png]
Ability: Rattled

* others *

now for
Wants and Needs:
First of im now accepting a Rare Candy in exchange for a pokemon,
but any interesting breedjects or pokemon in rareballs ill gladly consider ~
Or any of the items below can be worth 2 pokemon:
Air Balloon
Eject button
Destiny Knot
and for an Ability Capsule or Apricorn Ball you can pick 3 HA guys :D

Been wanting to make a shop to help fill out the constant requests for HA pokemon
so ive put some time into gathering a substantial amount of the hidden abilities and made this little shop ~
edit notes:
-If you see any requests gone unfiled feel free to reference them here
-Also ill try to make sure most babies I provide will have 3-4ivs and a useful nature

Hi there , I need a HA pyukumuku , will you accept a 6iv moonball komala for it?

Messages In This Thread
RE: HA Outlet: YOUR One Stop Hidden Ability Shop! ~ALWAYS UPDATING~ - by Corrosion2424 - May 17, 2017, 09:57 PM

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