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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
@Tenebris_Kane lol oh okay so the ones highlighted are in white right? your doing pretty well actually then you got a lot of hard to come by ones like bergmite inkey ferrothorn the fossils karrablast lol they are like some of the hardest to acquire so your of to a great start
so from what I can see you need Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Cynadquil Torchic Mudkip Snivy Chespin and Froakie? If im interpretting the highlighted sections right, ill trade you all of those for 1 HA Ferrothorn, since Ferroseed doesnt have an HA itll have to be Ferrothorn :p been looking for that for ages
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3

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RE: HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ Always Updating ~ - by wartty - Sep 9, 2017, 08:57 AM

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