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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
Hi @wartty!

I'm looking for the following hidden abilities: Pikipek, Crabrawler, Cutiefly, Mudbray, Dewpider, Morelul, Stufful, Bownsweet, Sandygast, Togedemaru and Bruxish.
If they have some egg moves it would be nice.

I can offer you 11 rare candies or almost any gen1-6 mon with 4 egg moves, 5ivs and hidden ability.
For example Scyther with defog, reversal, batton pass and endure.


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RE: HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ Always Updating ~ - by peplu - Oct 20, 2017, 08:24 AM

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