(Oct 20, 2017, 12:46 PM)wartty Wrote: @peplu Id probably recommend some kinda of color coding so its not such an imposing wall of text xP so youve got all the HA from gen 1-6?? theres a couple im missing.... Its always better to trade pokemon for pokemon so tonight ill figure out exactly which ones im missing and get back to you about that... Thank you this is one of the best offers anyones ever given me in this thread :'D do apricorn/dreamballs matter at all to you?@wartty
yay! Nah I don't mind about balls, only egg moves, abilities and stats

But I also have many breedjects in Dream Balls and some in apricorn balls if you're interested.
The only ball I really like is Timer Ball :p
PS: I'll format the list

PS2: It's a bit buggy but, here is the formated list.