Jun 21, 2018, 08:28 PM
(This post was last modified: Jun 21, 2018, 08:32 PM by Umbreon9004.)
So, we meet again my fellow members of the Pokemon Forever forums. In recent times ive found myself rarely coming here as much as I have before. I wish to change that starting today. So as of this moment (kinda late when i post this in Canada, OOPS :P) the shop is opening for the 3rd time in awhile(also i dont know if i can actualy delete the old shop posts so it doesnt turn into spam so if i could find a fix for that would be much appreciated...) Now for right now my old rules apply and the lists are gonna be slightly altered from past posts of course. and in case your wondering, YES i do have event pokemon, I do warn you though im not in depth with it, as it is only somewhat recent events, and not even that many to begin with(appologies in advance). also I will say now, that i wont be posting the event listings here, if you want them, you may ask for such.
1. Under no circumstances will I trade 2 pokemon for just 1 (Unless said otherwise...)
2. You may only ask for a set amount of shinys or legendarys. (5 per week) after all, I want other people to have a chance to grab what I got!
3. If you make a request for a pokemon, dont wait to long to recieve it. if you request a pokemon and it takes 24 hours or more for a response, it will go back up for trade unless you request it again.
Now below i shall post the list of shinys (And a seperate list of legendaries) i have for trading
Level 100's: 2 Latios, 2 Latias, Diancie, 2 Mewtwo, 3 Xerneas, 2 Yveltal, Zekrom, Cresselia, Regigigias, Entei, Suicune, Palkia, Phione, Zapdos, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Articuno, Arceus, Thundurus, Heatran, Kyurem, Greninja, gourgeist, 2 sylveon, vaporeon, glaceon, espeon, umbreon, jolteon, leafeon, ditto, decidueye, seviper, pinsir, Typlhosion, Rapidash, Manectric, Absol, Swoobat, Hawlucha, Gengar, Tsareena, Metagross, Ampharos, Porygon2, Gardevoir, A Raichu, Tyranitar, Goodra, Silvally, Feraligator, Camerupt, Toxapex, Charizard, Magcargo, Drapion, Slowking, Rhyperior, Minior, Shiftry
Under Level 100: Gourgeist, Crobat, Latios, Sceptile, 2 Heliolisk, 2 Drapions, 3 Audino,Tapu-KoKo, 2 Barbaracle, 2 Grumpig, Crustle, Flareon, Darkrai, Trevenant, Kommo-o, Chansey, Exeggcute, Pupitar, Salazzle, Quagsire, Slowpoke, Bagon, A Sandshrew
If you would like to hear my selection of non-shiny legendaries, then dont be afraid to ask!
The Umbreon Lunar Shop: Whether its under the sun or moon, we hope to see you soon!
1. Under no circumstances will I trade 2 pokemon for just 1 (Unless said otherwise...)
2. You may only ask for a set amount of shinys or legendarys. (5 per week) after all, I want other people to have a chance to grab what I got!
3. If you make a request for a pokemon, dont wait to long to recieve it. if you request a pokemon and it takes 24 hours or more for a response, it will go back up for trade unless you request it again.
Now below i shall post the list of shinys (And a seperate list of legendaries) i have for trading
Level 100's: 2 Latios, 2 Latias, Diancie, 2 Mewtwo, 3 Xerneas, 2 Yveltal, Zekrom, Cresselia, Regigigias, Entei, Suicune, Palkia, Phione, Zapdos, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Articuno, Arceus, Thundurus, Heatran, Kyurem, Greninja, gourgeist, 2 sylveon, vaporeon, glaceon, espeon, umbreon, jolteon, leafeon, ditto, decidueye, seviper, pinsir, Typlhosion, Rapidash, Manectric, Absol, Swoobat, Hawlucha, Gengar, Tsareena, Metagross, Ampharos, Porygon2, Gardevoir, A Raichu, Tyranitar, Goodra, Silvally, Feraligator, Camerupt, Toxapex, Charizard, Magcargo, Drapion, Slowking, Rhyperior, Minior, Shiftry
Under Level 100: Gourgeist, Crobat, Latios, Sceptile, 2 Heliolisk, 2 Drapions, 3 Audino,Tapu-KoKo, 2 Barbaracle, 2 Grumpig, Crustle, Flareon, Darkrai, Trevenant, Kommo-o, Chansey, Exeggcute, Pupitar, Salazzle, Quagsire, Slowpoke, Bagon, A Sandshrew
If you would like to hear my selection of non-shiny legendaries, then dont be afraid to ask!
The Umbreon Lunar Shop: Whether its under the sun or moon, we hope to see you soon!