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[SUN/MOON] Planet Emporium - 5IV Pokemon for Trade - (Main Want: Shiny Pokemon)
thank you Smile
@Planet_Azumarill Can you trade me a grimer with pursuit and shadow sneak, I have a life orb.
@Greaver5686 Sorry, my a-grimer does not have the pursuit egg move
(Dec 28, 2016, 09:27 PM)Planet_Azumarill Wrote: @Greaver5686 Sorry, my a-grimer does not have the pursuit egg move

I can just take the shadow sneak grimer and breed it @Planet_Azumarill
(Dec 15, 2016, 08:36 PM)R2LSD2 Wrote: @Planet_Azumarill

im interested in your sturdy togedemaru with egg moves i have these to offer 

5iv Jolly Mimikyu(Destiny Bond,Curse)

5iv Adamant Wimpod(Wide Guard ,Spikes,Aqua Jet)

5iv Adamant Stamina Mudbray(Double edge,Magnitide,Close Combat)

5iv Adamant Slush Rush(HA) or snow cloak Alolan sandshrew

5iv Adamant Minior

5iv Adamant Dhelmise

5iv Timid Snow Warning or Snow cloak Alolan Vulpix (Freeze-dry,Moonblast,Encore)

5iv Adamant Lightning rod or rock head Cubone(Iron Head)

5iv Jolly Steadfast(HA) or Keen Eye RockruffSucker Punch,Fire Fang,Thunder Fang)

5iv Adamant Fluffy or klutz stuffl (Wide Guard, Ice Punch,Thunder Punch,Force palm)

5iv Adamant Galvanize(HA) Alolan Geodude (wide Guard,Rock Climb,Curse,Magnet Rise)

5iv Bold Regenerator(HA) ,Limber, or Merciless Mareanie (Haze,Stockpile,Swallow,Spit Up)

5iv Timid Trace or Download Porygon

5iv Adamant Water absorb(HA) or water bubble Dewpider(Aurora Beam,Stockpile,Spit Up)

5iv Adamant Gluttony or Poison Touch Alolan Grimer(Stockpile,Curse,Shadow Sneak,Swallow)

5iv Modest harvest(HA) or Chlorophyll ExeggcuteMoonlight )

5iv Adamant Overcoat(HA) Jangmo-o

Contrary(HA) Fomantis

Battle Armor(HA) Cubone

That Grimer with Curse what ya want for it. lol
@Planet_Azumarill i can give you a rare candy for formantis adamant and HA?
Hey @Planet_Azumarill !

i can offer you a brave roggenrola(weak armor) with 4 perfect ivs(0speed) egg moves wide guard and heavy slam and a sassy shellos(storm drain) with 4 perfect ivs(0 speed) 

im interested in:
female jolly rockruff with vital spirit
female comfey with triage
male komala
male jolly togedemaru with sturdy(ha) - if you have a female one id rather take that one with less iv

let me know if youre interested
(Dec 29, 2016, 11:08 AM)tikrit Wrote: Hey @Planet_Azumarill !

i can offer you a brave roggenrola(weak armor) with 4 perfect ivs(0speed) egg moves wide guard and heavy slam and a sassy shellos(storm drain) with 4 perfect ivs(0 speed) 

im interested in:
female jolly rockruff with vital spirit
female comfey with triage
male komala
male jolly togedemaru with sturdy(ha) - if you have a female one id rather take that one with less iv

let me know if youre interested

Not trying to stop business here but if you want a Comfey with Triage. I can give you that for that Shellos

Nevermind I got the pokemon
@Greaver5686 Which ability do you want?

@Cubillax Alright, let me know when you can trade

@tikrit Interested, don't have a jolly female togedemaru with hidden ability though
@Planet_Azumarill if you are free right now a can do it, how do you like gts or friend trade ?

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