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[SUN/MOON] [SHOP] Ultra Trading Shack (Shiny, Events & Giveaways)
♥♥ Introduction ♥♥
Hi all, I come from another Pokemon forum and decided to open another Trading Shop in a new forum. PokemonForever looks pretty awesome so I decided to come here. Hope everybody finds something they like in my 'lil shop. Thanks!
Not sure if I can mention the names of other Forum sites but a quick google search will reveal my other trade shop with complete archive of past trades and reviews.

♥♥ Giveaways ♥♥
I am currently in the process of organising Shiny Pokemon giveaways. Stay tuned to find out how to obtain free, legit Shiny Pokemon!
♥♥ Rules and Helpful Info ♥♥
1. General PokemonForever Rules
2. I clone my Pokemon for collecting
3. My Timezone is AEST or UTC+10
4. Please inform me if a Pokemon I traded is hacked and I will refund you and remove it
5. Similarly, I expect to be refunded if I receive a hacked Pokemon from you
♥♥ Additional Info  ♥♥
Gen 7 OT: Maria
Gen 7 ID: 566940
Previous Gen OT: Hamako
Previous Gen ID: 22865 and 26633

I organised most of my collection into the following documents, please view these for a more organised trading experience:
Shop Links

Shiny Pokemon
Gen VII Events
Gen VI Events
Gen III, IV, V Events

NOTE: IVs are in this order (HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD/SPE)
Gen 7 Shiny

No Country-Tag means it's ENG
[Image: rowlet.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Quirky) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Bashful | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Calm | SPA) (Egg Moves: Baton Pass, Haze, Defog, Confuse Ray)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | GER)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Dartrix (M | Lv. 23 | Quiet | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Decidueye (M | Lv. 100 | Relaxed)
[Image: litten.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant) (31/31/31/31/31/X)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Relaxed | JPN) (Egg Moves: Fake Out, Revenge, Heat Wave, Crunch)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | SPA) (31/X/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | GER)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Torracat (F | Lv. 50 | Adamant) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Incineroar (F | Lv. 100 | Brave)

[Image: popplio.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Modest) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Bashful | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Rash | SPA)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Mild | GER) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Brionne (F | Lv. 32 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Primarina ( F | Lv. 100 | Modest | CHS) (31/X/31/31/31/31)

[Image: stufful.gif]
[Image: Bag_Beast_Ball_Sprite.png]Stufful (F| Lv. 1 | Jolly) (31/31/X/31/31/31)
Gen 6 Shiny

No Country-Tag means it's ENG
[Image: chespin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Chespin (M | Lv. 1 | Docile |HA: Bulletproof | JPN) (30/31/31/31/31/X)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Quilladin(M | Lv. 25 | Timid)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Chesnaught (M | Lv. 100 | Impish |HA: Bulletproof | JPN) (31/31/31/30/31/31)
[Image: fennekin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Fennekin (M | Lv. 1 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Braixen (M | Lv. 22 | Naive)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Braixen (F| Lv. 100 | Lax)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Delphox (M | Lv. 100 | Lax)

[Image: froakie.gif]
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Froakie (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | HA: Protean)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Frogadier (M | Lv. 30 | Hasty | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Greninja (M | Lv. 70 | Timid | HA: Protean| JPN) (31/30/31/31/31/31)

[Image: bunnelby.gif]
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Bunnelby (M | Lv. 1 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Diggersby (M | Lv. 100 | Jolly | HA: Huge Power) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: fletchling.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Fletchling (M | Lv. 40 | Quiet)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Talonflame (M | Lv. 40 | Impish | HA: Gale Wings) (31/31/31/PG/31/PG)

[Image: scatterbug.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Scatterbug (M | Lv. 1 | Careful)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Spewpa (M | Lv.  | )

[Image: vivillon.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]River Pattern (F | Lv. 13 | Bold)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Continental Pattern (F | Lv. 91 | Timid | KOR)
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Elegant Pattern (F | Lv. 16 | Docile | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Marine Pattern (F | Lv. 35 | Bashful | SPA)

[Image: litleo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Litleo (F | Lv. 1 | Quirky)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Pyroar (F | Lv. 91 | Mild | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Pyroar (M | Lv. 100 | Quirky | SPA) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: flabebe.gif]
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Flabébé (F | Lv. 1 | Serious | HA: Symbiosis)
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Floette (F | Lv. 20 | Gentle)
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Florges (F| Lv. 100 | Timid | HA: Symbiosis) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: skiddo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Skiddo (M | Lv. 1 | Careful)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Gogoat (M | Lv. 100 | Serious | SPA)

[Image: pancham.gif]
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Pancham (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | HA: Scrappy | GER) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
(Egg Moves: Storm Throw, Foul Play, Power Trip, Me First)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Pangoro (M | Lv. 91 | Lax | FRE)

[Image: furfrou.gif]
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Furfrou (F | Lv. 50 | Impish) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: espurr.gif]
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Espurr (F | Lv. 1 | Bashful | HA: Own Tempo | UT)
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Meowstic (F | Lv. 26 | Docile)

[Image: honedge.gif]
[Image: Bag_Heavy_Ball_Sprite.png]Honedge (M | Lv. 1 | Brave) (31/31/31/31/31/PG)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Doublade (F | Lv. 35 | Timid)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Aegislash (M | Lv. 100 | Sassy) (31/31/31/31/31/X)

[Image: spritzee.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Spritzee (M | Lv. 1 | Quiet | HA: Aroma Veil)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Aromatisse (F | Lv. 100 | Bold | HA: Aroma Veil) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: swirlix.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Swirlix (F | Lv. 1 | Quirky | CHT)

[Image: inkay.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Inkay (F | Lv. 1 | Sassy)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Malamar (F | Lv. 100 | Impish)

[Image: binacle.gif]
[Image: Bag_Dusk_Ball_Sprite.png]Binacle (F | Lv. 1 | Jolly)
[Image: Bag_Great_Ball_Sprite.png]Barbaracle (M | Lv. 100 | Jolly | SPA) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
Gen 1 Shiny

These are out-dated, please check my spreadsheet if you want an up-to-date list of Kanto Shiny
[Image: bulbasaur.gif]
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | UT | FRE)
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Modest | UT)
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Calm | UT)
Ivysaur (M | Lv. 16 | Quirky)
Venusaur (M | Lv. 100 | Sassy)
[Image: charmander.gif]
Charmander (M | Lv. 1 | Lax | UT | FRE)
Charmander (M | Lv. 1  | Naughty | UT)
Charmander (M | Lv. 1 | Serious | UT)
Charmeleon (M | Lv. 16 | Lax |FRE)
Charizard (M | Lv. 100 | Adamant)

[Image: squirtle.gif]
Squirtle (M | Lv. 1 | Docile | UT)
Squirtle (M | Lv. 1 | Rash | UT)
Wartortle (M | Lv 16 | Hardy)
Blastoise (M | Lv. 100 | Mild | GER)

[Image: caterpie.gif]
Caterpie (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | UT)
Metapod (M | Lv. 48 | Mild)
Butterfree (F | Lv. 10 | Docile | UT)
[Image: weedle.gif]
Weedle (M | Lv. 1| Relaxed | UT)
Kakuna (M | Lv. 10 | Bold)
Beedrill (M | Lv. 19 | Relaxed)
[Image: pidgeot.gif]
Pidgeot (F | Lv. 100 | Naughty)

[Image: rattata.gif]
Rattata (M | Lv. 1 | Mild | UT)
Raticate (F| Lv. 100 | Naughty)
[Image: fearow.gif]
Fearow (M | Lv. 50| Brave)

[Image: ekans.gif]
Ekans (M | Lv. 1| Calm | UT)

[Image: pikachu.gif]
Pikachu (M | Lv. 20 | Mild)

[Image: sandshrew.gif]
Sandrew (M | Lv. 1 |Timid | UT)
Sandslash (F | Lv. 22 | Brave)

[Image: 029.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Nidoran ♀️ (F | Lv. 1 | Docile | UT)
[Image: Bag_Dream_Ball_Sprite.png]Nidoqueen (F | Lv. 16 | Lax | ITA)

[Image: 032.gif]
Nidoran ♂️ (M | Lv. 1 | Quirky | UT | FRE)
Nidorino (M | Lv. 33 | Timid)
Nidoking (M | Lv. 100 | Bashful)

[Image: clefairy.gif]
Clefairy (M| Lv. 2|Brave)

[Image: vulpix.gif]
Vulpix (F| Lv. 1|Lonely| UT|JPN)
Ninetales (F| Lv. 100|Impish)

[Image: jigglypuff.gif]
Jigglypuff (M| Lv. 48|Docile)
[Image: zubat.gif]
Zubat (F| Lv.5|Relaxed|JPN)
Golbat (M| Lv. 50|Gentle)

[Image: oddish.gif]
Oddish (F| Lv. 1|Mild| UT)

[Image: paras.gif]
Paras (F| Lv.23|Hardy)
Parasect (F| Lv. 56|Mild)
[Image: venonat.gif]
Venonat (F| Lv. 16|Mild)

[Image: diglett.gif]
Diglett (F| Lv. 26|Bashful)
Dugtrio (F| Lv. 56|Hardy)

[Image: meowth.gif]
Meowth (F| Lv. 1|Naughty| UT|FRE)
Persian (F| Lv. 28|Brave|SPA)

[Image: psyduck.gif]
Psyduck (F| Lv. 6|Impish)
Golduck (F| Lv. 100|Adamant)

Messages In This Thread
[SHOP] Ultra Trading Shack (Shiny, Events & Giveaways) - by Queen - Aug 17, 2017, 05:12 PM
RE: [SHOP] Ultra Trading Shack (Shiny, Events & Giveaways) - by MissCandy1994 - Aug 21, 2017, 01:57 AM

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