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[SUN/MOON] [Spoilers] [No story spoilers] Pokemon Sun and Moon Q&A! Your questions answered.
So let's assume a community member may be an experience haxxor. Let's also assume they have access to Pokémon Moon. If you were to ask them questions, what would they be? I have no plans on spoiling the story so don't worry about that, but if you want to know about a Pokemon, their abilities, or stats, let me know.

For example, Wishiwashi's schooling ability only activates if he has enough health. If he drops below a quarter health, he goes from School Form which has beyond ridiculous stats, down to the regular Solo Form who has worse stats than Sunkern. The catch is, if you can recover his health say through Rest, at the end of the turn if he has enough health he will go back into School Form.
[Image: wishiwashi_soloform.png]

[Image: wishiwashi_schoolform.png]
Go ahead and ask away and I shall answer to the best of my ability!
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017

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[Spoilers] [No story spoilers] Pokemon Sun and Moon Q&A! Your questions answered. - by Reed - Nov 11, 2016, 10:47 AM

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