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[SUN/MOON] looking for legendary battle ready
Listed that i still finding:
Zapdos,Articuno,Moltres,Mewtwo,Entei, Suicune,Raikou,Lugia,Regirock,Regice,Registeel, Latias ,Latios, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga ,Palkia ,Giratina,Cresselia,Heatran,Regigigas,Cobalion, Terrakion,Virizion,Tornadus, Thundurus,Landorus,Zekrom, Reshiram, Zygarde,Cosmog,Cosmoem,Necrozma,Nihilego,Pheromosa,Buzzwole, Xurkitree,Celesteela,Kartana,Guzzlord,Tapu Lele,Tapu Bulu,Celebi,Jirachi,Darkrai,Manaphy,Shaymin,Arceus,Victini,Keldeo,Meloetta

really hope someone can help ...
(don't ignore plz)
cloned or hack or anything ... i don't care just wanted a battle ready legendary xD
up up up
help u with what??
@PokeLover121 i am looking for br legendaries :x
br? (Sorry im sorta new)
no problem Smile
(br = battle ready)
(Mar 15, 2017, 05:34 AM)eddytay1234 Wrote: really hope someone can help ...
(don't ignore plz)

What br legendary are you looking for, sir. I've got just about all but none are shiny.
What are you offering in return?
@CurtisS2013 sorry in return you can ask me for any pokemon i can breed for u..
(non shiny is ok... i just wanted to get full set of legendary battle ready pokemon)
Hi! I can offer shiny Xerneas, Yveltal and Reyquaza (all from events), and non-shiny Lunala and Solgaleo. If you're interested I'll be able to trade later in about 5 or 6 hours or sometime tomorrow if it suits Smile
@stephenWITNESS hmm sure no problem, i can wait for u... but what does you want?

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