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Shiny Rayquaza!
I am trading away a level 100 shiny Rayquaza for a Genesect,Giratina,Darkrai,or Volcanion if you're interested comment what pokemon you are willing to trade Shiny or Non shiny then leave your friend code below thanks! My friend code is on my profile Smile
I have a Giratina and a Darkrai, both non-shiny. The Darkrai is the event from a few months back (therefore three+ IVs and lv100) and the Giratina is the typical one you get from saoring w/ Dialga and Palkia in the party
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
@wundrweapon hmm I'll see if more people are interested if there are no more people that are i'll trade you for giratina,k?
@TheAbsolTrainer the rayquaza has to be adamant 5-6iv with blue pentagon for me to trade it vs my shiny genesect!
@mahetmed  Its adamant with 387ATK 223DEF SP.ATK311 SP.DEF224 and SPEED 233 Where do i check for blue pentagon? im new at this is it an item?
@TheAbsolTrainer I can trade you Shiny Giratina (SUM2013 Event), Genesect or Shiny Genesect ^^
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~
(Jul 21, 2016, 11:57 AM)TheAbsolTrainer Wrote: @mahetmed  Its adamant with 387ATK 223DEF SP.ATK311 SP.DEF224 and SPEED 233 Where do i check for blue pentagon? im new at this is it an item?
just check beside the symboles , and for IV's go see the trainer in the poke center close to the battle maison assuming ur in pokemon x or y im adding you !
Got a shiny Giratina from soaring and regular darkrai from the event. I'll see if I have any more Smile
@ChrissSixx Genesect?
@TheAbsolTrainer Do you want the Non-Shiny Genesect? ^^ I'm going to add you, if you want to make the trade tag me ^^

Edit: Rayquaza knows Dragon Ascent? ^^
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~

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