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[TRADE] LF: Defiant Bisharp or Whatever else! FT: BR shinies!
Hi! Like the title says, I'm looking for a Battle Ready Bisharp. I have in exchange a shiny BR noivern, shiny Mega Lopunny, shiny BR Cloyster, Shiny BR Diggersby, or BR shiny Ariados. I am also looking for any other BR Pokemon but mostly a defiant Bisharp! Thanks!
I can get you one. I don't need anything in return.
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

(Feb 24, 2015, 08:34 PM)matabro Wrote: I can get you one. I don't need anything in return.

Really? are you sure, I have plenty of BR Pokemon!
no I'm good Smile do you need anything else besides Bisharp?
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

Um, well yeah, how many can I ask for xD
has many as you want. :D
are you okay with these moves?
Move 1: pursuit
Move 2: quick guard
Move 3: Stealth Rock
Move 4: sucker punch
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Shiny yes
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

(Feb 24, 2015, 08:52 PM)matabro Wrote: how many as you want :$
are you okay with the moves
Move 1: pursuit
Move 2: quick guard
Move 3: Stealth Rock
Move 4: sucker punch
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Shiny yes

Okay, I'll keep it small to not stress you out lol!
For the Bisharp, the Moveset: Iron head, Sucker punch, knock off, and swords dance please! And 252 in HP instead on speed Smile
Are you using pokegen or qr codes or breeding? If you're breeding, can I have a Banette with DBond, Knock off, Sucker Punch, and WilloWisp? Adamant too Smile
If ur pokegen ing or qr codes, there are more but if not, those are good Smile
I'm using QR codes the Banette is doable but the bisharp might take some time.
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

Oh cool! Well can I pm you my requests? I wish I could make the files myself, but my computer is busted lol

Edit: and you can tell me when to stop lol
I'm not making the files either, I'm just using the QR codes and then breeding them the right way,
I have a tablet so I can't do it either.
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

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