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[TRADE] LF HA Dratini / Any HA competitive not listed
Im looking for HA Dratini, no natter if has or not good IV's, i love to breed.

In exchange i have those Pokémons, all with 5IV:

Chansey ---> Natural cure & Seismic Toss
Bulbasaur --> Clorophyll
Porygon ---> Ha (Can't remember the name -.-')
Slowpoke --> REgeneration
Smoormish-> Poison Heal
Fletchling --> HA

I could Breed:

Eevee----> Anticipation & Wish
Marrill ---> Huge power & Aqua Jet
Greninja -> HA

Thanks in advance! Any other competitive poke with Ha will be apreciated, in exchange in any of my pokes ^^
I could try and breed one for you, since I have a HA dragonite
It would be really apreciated in that case. Let me know if you manage to do it, and wich poke you want in exchange, in case i have to breed it : )
Yo I am really sorry about forgetting to breed you the bulbasaur. I will get to it as soon as possible. I Also have a bunch of those pokemon I can get for you. Sadly, I have mid terms tomorrow and I won't be on until later in the day.
could i have a chansey?
(Jan 25, 2015, 09:16 AM)mastermind71 Wrote: Yo I am really sorry about forgetting to breed you the bulbasaur. I will get to it as soon as possible. I Also have a bunch of those pokemon I can get for you. Sadly, I have mid terms tomorrow and I won't be on until later in the day.

Don't worry about it, you probably had more work in Que, i alredy got my Boulbasaur, and trained it ^^ Thankks anyway! And the list are those that i own if you have any wich is not in the list, and you want one in exchange, ill take it for sure, and wil vouch you for you're service! ^^

(Jan 25, 2015, 09:17 AM)Arctero Wrote: could i have a chansey?

Sure! I got 3 or 4 left : )
I'll add you right now since i just hatched one.
IGN: Patrick
FC: 3024-5425-5443
which nature do you want, I hatched sassy(5IV), bold(4 IV) and serious(4 IV).
(Jan 25, 2015, 09:29 AM)Arctero Wrote: I'll add you right now since i just hatched one.
IGN: Patrick
FC: 3024-5425-5443

Alredy added you, my Fc: 3454-2307-3445
IGN: Ryu Kurai

Edit: Thank you very much! Ill make sure to train a good Dragonite : )
If you want to trade it will have be right now.
i can breed you HA dratini's Smile can i have a chansey?

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