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[TRADE] LF: Helix Fossil
Need Omantye & Omastar to complete Pokedex, but I only have X at the moment. Someone help?
"You'll never regret something if you don't try it first." - Anonymous
I've got an Omanyte I can trade  Rolleyes
@JodieKatt98 Awesome! What are you looking for in return?
"You'll never regret something if you don't try it first." - Anonymous
@delphoxqxeen1 not sure actually, what would be willing to trade??
@JodieKatt98 Hmm. I have a LVL 82 Lopunny.

Nature: Jolly
Ability: Cute Charm
-Quick Attack
-Jump Kick
-Baton Pass

PM me if you're interested. Smile
"You'll never regret something if you don't try it first." - Anonymous

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