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[TRADE] Looking for Generation 1 Pokemon
Okie dokie sounds good  :D
@Raltsy Added you, waiting for you to come online! Some of my Pokemon i'll trade you are eggs from starter Pokemon, and I have a couple randoms as a thanks for being so nice Smile

Update: Thanks @Raltsy for the trade! You're very generous! Smile
No problem  :D  Hope you can finish the national pokedex soon! Good luck!
@hiiamkai54 It's going to take me a while to gather the Eevee's for you. Go ahead and put the Pokemon you're trading to me aside, and i'll mention you sometime tomorrow when your Pokemon are ready to trade.
Got it
Would you like a nickname on the dratini or the scyther? i am getting both of those for you
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky It doesn't matter if they have nicknames, but none would be preferred Smile
@CanadianMason  once i hatch them ill add you
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Awesome thank you! What would you like in return? Also, I have you added already from a previous comment on one of my threads :D

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