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[TRADE] Looking for Generation 1 Pokemon
growlithe and vulpix if you can

And trade me when ever you are ready
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Sounds good, i'll breed both of them for you now. Also, would you mind helping me evolve two of my Pokemon. Both Machoke and Gravelier, would you be able to tradeback them for me?
@CanadianMason yeah i can do that  :D
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Thanks for the trade and helping evolve my Pokemon!
@CanadianMason  would a elekid work for the elctrabuzz?

and i think i can get you the chansey
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Yeah an Elekid works! Chansey would be awesome too!
@CanadianMason another growlithe and vulpix if you can

Trade me when ever you are ready

also i forgot to check IVs on  the first two. but they should have some pefect IVS (most likely 2 or 3 of them)
 but i marked these two
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Breeding your Pokemon now, will send you a trade in a minute or so. I'll check them once traded Smile
@CanadianMason  breed another growllithe cause i can get you a poliwag as well  :D
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky Awesome! I'll breed another for you Smile

Edit: @Ducky Thanks for the trade yet again! Smile

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