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[TRADE] Looking for a Giga Drain Volcarona
Hey everyone,

I've really been interested in building a Volcarona with Giga Drain, and it's a move tutor move from b2w2. I know they'll be available when ORAS releases but I was wondering if anyone could hook me up before then? I have 5iv baby pokes to offer, or name a HA poke and I probably have it or could get it soon. Thanks in advance!
FC: 4484-9207-3850
IGN Sarah
If you wait a little bit I can fix the IVs and clone my Giga Drain Larvesta.
My IGN is Raul
That'd be so awesome! What do you want for it?
I don't need anything for it. Just trade me whatever.
Thanks again! Whenever you get to it, could you make it Timid (and the standard 5iv -Atk). No rush whatsoever too
Hop online in a couple minutes and I'll trade you.
I got stuck in the elite four, gimme a minute or two and I'll be out.

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