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[TRADE] Looking for pokemons !
So I'm making this thread because I'm completing my pokedex.
First of all, excuse me if I make mistakes english is not my native language, I'm french ( from Canada not france ) 

So in this thread I'm looking for people who are willing to borrow me some pokemon. What I mean is that you can trade them to me and i'll trade them back to you right after. I've made several trades with people here so.. I guess I have a 'good' reputation ? 

I'm currently at 382/708 ( I think it's 708 ) And I really want that shiny chaaarm ! So if you guys want to trade add me ! Of course if someone else needs help feel free to post here. My only rule is to give the pokemon back to its owner unless you both are okay with it. And to run things smoothly you can talk by Private messages while you're doing de trade. 
Thanks to all of you who are going to help me and/or the others. 
Click on my profil to see my FC and tag me ( @SheWas18lSwear ) when you add me so I get a notification !

(Currently looking for a Dusknoir btw)
i can help you  im also trying to finish the dex
Sure add me i'll add you as soon as I'm back home
@itsov I added you just now
(Mar 19, 2016, 06:05 PM)SheWas18lSwear Wrote: @itsov I added you just now
k i added you too
What all do you need? Will do my best to help Smile
@Oddish 4 ever I'm at the legendary birds now, I have Zapdos but can't find a fair trade for Articuno and Moltres in the GTS if you have one of those i can trade you Zapdos for one of them but i'd like to have my Zapdos back after ( I'll give back your bird too ) :') I'm adding you now. Do you need something ?
ll trade ya a beldum and ditto so that the getting legendary of gts gets easier my friend code is on the left and my ign is brian
@boomshackalaka2 Thanks for the beldum buddy :pp If you need something just ask me !

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