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[TRADE] Need Sableye w/ HA Imposter

I am in need of a Sableye with its Hidden Ability Imposter. IVs, natures, egg moves, etc. do no matter, just so long as it has Imposter.

I have a prankster sableye if that is what you are talkin about.
Whoops, I was just speaking to someone about Ditto and must have got confused! Yes, Prankster is exactly what I meant, sorry!
(Sep 26, 2015, 11:05 AM)wpendragon Wrote: I have a prankster sableye if that is what you are talkin about.

do you have one for me too? :3
all good! I can trade you either a 1 IV random one off the bat or if you wana wait like 5 mins I can get you one with some of the bells and whistles. Either way I'll add your FC so feel free to open a trade whenever =)
If you happen to have one with perfect IVs in HP, Defence or Sp. Defence, then I'll take that, but I'm happy to do all the breeding necessary to save you the time. Thanks. =)
eh, taking the oppritunity to get a fun poke out of it, so I'll send ya a PM when the first egg hatches, hows that sound?
Sounds great. Thanks a bunch!
For me too pls thanks <3
K, first clutch of eggs hatched, what are you two's IGNs?

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