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[TRADE] Neku Deku Trading Shop!? (Events + Shinies) LF: EVENTS!
Poketrade Account

Like the thread title says, I trade event Pokémon and Self-Bred Shinies (along with some other mess). Right now I'm trying to complete a BR/Event/Rare/Shiny Living Dex (you can also scavenge for things you might want there)! I might respond slowly so be aware that responses may take up to a day! Also, I've already completed my living dex so consider that too!

Since I have a lot, I'll only display my self-breds! These are not powersaved, and thus are nameable (but please provide name before trading).

Note: Please read my LF statement at the bottom. I consider legitimacy when reading offers.

[Image: Dream_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: eevee.gif]
Pokémon: Eevee
IVs: 31/??/31/31/31/31
Level: 1
Nature: Timid
Ability: Anticipation
Moves: Tail Whip, Stored Power, Curse, Wish.

[Image: Dive_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: totodile.gif]
Pokémon: Totodile
IVs: 31/31/31/??/31/31
Level: 1
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Crunch.

[Image: Love_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: smoochum.gif]
Pokémon: Smoochum
IVs: 31/?//31/31/31/31
Level: 1
Nature: Timid
Ability: Forewarn
Moves: Pound, Nasty Plot, Fake out, Ice Punch.

[Image: Safari_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: larvitar.gif]
Pokémon: Larvitar
IVs: 31/31/31/??/??/31
Level: 1
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Guts
Moves: Bite, Leer, Dragon Dance.

[Image: Lure_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: seedot.gif]
Level: 1
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Bide, Defog.

[Image: Pok%C3%A9_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: phione.gif]
Pokémon: Phione
IVs: 31/31/??/31/31/31
Level: 1
Nature: Timid
Ability: Hydration
Moves: Bubble, Water Sport.

[Image: Quick_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: joltik.gif]
Pokémon: Joltik
IVs: 31/??/31/31/31/31
Level: 1
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
Moves: String Shot, Leech Life, Spider Web, Pursuit.


[Image: Friend_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: smeargle.gif]
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Happy Hour, Surf, Fly, Payday.
Item: Luck Incense

[Image: Pok%C3%A9_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: smeargle.gif]
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Spore, Soak, False Swipe, Ingrain.

[Image: Pok%C3%A9_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: smeargle.gif]
IVs: 31/31/??/31/??/31
Level: 56
Nature: Modest
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Dark Void, Trick-or-Treat, Swift, Sweet Scent.
Item: Quick Claw

[Image: Pok%C3%A9_Ball_battle_V.png]
[Image: smeargle.gif]
IVs: ??/??/??/??/??/??
Level: 64
Nature: Bold
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Secret Power, Waterfall, Rock Smash


What I'm Looking For: (For all events, I prefer untouched and legitimate!)

- Event Pokémon not on my list (you don't have to search, I'll find if I own it if you name the event).
- Event Pokémon I own but are better (ex. Natures, IVs). I don't make many exceptions for this.
- For the Smeargles, I don't want anything of high value but not low enough to where I'm doing a giveaway.

Specific Events I'm searching for:

- Shiny Diancie (Korean).
- XY&Z Zygarde
- Water Tribe Manaphy
- Serena's Fennekin
- Meowth Team Rocket
i can trade a shiny metagross for the shiny joltik
ill take the smochum and phione look in my trade shop if you want anything its title is "Trade Shop :)D (updated 2)"
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
I have a BR Latios You think I can get the totodile.
Doubt it though but just wondering
(Dec 13, 2015, 08:19 PM)silverslash Wrote: i can trade a shiny metagross for the shiny joltik

Sorry! I'm only interested in the Pokémon I'm looking for!

(Dec 13, 2015, 08:23 PM)Aiyana Wrote: ill take the smochum and phione look in my trade shop if you want anything its title is "Trade Shop SmileD (updated 2)"

Alright, I'll take a look when I can!

(Dec 13, 2015, 08:30 PM)ImHounds Wrote: I have a BR Latios You think I can get the totodile.
Doubt it though but just wondering

I'm interested. What are the IVs, EVs, Nature, and Moves?
I have got a shiny Diancie but not Japanese or Korean
And I have got a shiny manaphy and a normal event manaphy
well i want that horde hunting smeargle but what would you like for it
(Dec 14, 2015, 12:33 AM)wolfogo010 Wrote: I have got a shiny Diancie but not Japanese or Korean
And I have got a shiny manaphy and a normal event manaphy

I'm interested in the event Manaphy! Could you list the details?

(Dec 14, 2015, 02:50 AM)bamman Wrote: well i want that horde hunting smeargle but what would you like for it

Nothing huge. Feel free to offer.
Well what do you want from my shop for the Smoochum and Phione?
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
ive got a shiny Japanese diancie and ill take the seedot or totodile

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