What format is this for? Vgc? Or one of the Smogon tiers? 'Cause a lot of the sets your used on the forum are kinda not good anymore, most were made in vgc 15, when it's now vgc 16.
And as for my toxicroak build, it's not that good
I had a specific idea in my head when making and it turned out fun but not very practical
(Aug 25, 2016, 04:58 AM)ChaseInfinity Wrote: What format is this for? Vgc? Or one of the Smogon tiers? 'Cause a lot of the sets your used on the forum are kinda not good anymore, most were made in vgc 15, when it's now vgc 16.
And as for my toxicroak build, it's not that good
I had a specific idea in my head when making and it turned out fun but not very practical
It was more of a play around team with people that i meet on PSS but other then that im still new to this whole stuff. thanks for the feedback but
(Aug 25, 2016, 04:45 AM)Peanutea Wrote: Kings rock effect on toxicroack is not that really effective, better change it into life orb, black belt, or black sludge
Thanks Peanutea i like the black sludge idea. :D :D
The fortress has to many spikes and stealth rocks.
If you set up all of them and then exploded your fortress a defogger/rapid Spinner Comes in.
Ive had success using a toxic spikes/stealth rocks nidoking.Put Roar on it and roar Pokemon in to get poisoned. If they have a heal bell/armothereepy you might want to save it for mid game, where chip damage is imporant
AV Clawitzer stops it from doing its job which is to wallbreak. I'd recommend using a Life Orb or Choice Specs with max speed and HP. It's not that bulky to run an AV set effectively plus it doesn't have any reliable recovery
Do not run Forretress like this. Firstly, hazard stacking without a spinblocker is a bad idea and a waste of a hazard setter. Also, you really only need Stealth Rock to pick up the necessary KOs. Rocks, Rapid Spin, Volt Switch and Gyro Ball with Max HP and Defense with leftovers does its job better for a team like this
Scarf Rotom is a better option over a bulky one for this team as it allows Rotom to do late game cleanup when Aero and Clawitzer do enormous amounts of damage to the opposition. Plus Trick allows you to stop defensively oriented Pokemon such as Vaporeon, Milotic, Umbreon, Blissey, Florges etc.
Drop Knock Off for Sucker Punch, Jolly over Adamant nature and run Life Orb. The fun thing about Toxicroak is with Life Orb in most situations you won't be forced to set up to deal good damage plus Life Orb allows it to pick up more OHKOs if not 2HKOs. And yes, Sucker Punch's priority is very necessary for 1v1s against fast psychics
Other than that, this team is pretty good. If anything though, you absolutely need a way to remove entry hazards because Mega Aerodactyl and Rotom-H do not appreciate taking chip damage from Stealth Rock
(Aug 25, 2016, 04:09 PM)Marcusube Wrote: AV Clawitzer stops it from doing its job which is to wallbreak. I'd recommend using a Life Orb or Choice Specs with max speed and HP. It's not that bulky to run an AV set effectively plus it doesn't have any reliable recovery
Do not run Forretress like this. Firstly, hazard stacking without a spinblocker is a bad idea and a waste of a hazard setter. Also, you really only need Stealth Rock to pick up the necessary KOs. Rocks, Rapid Spin, Volt Switch and Gyro Ball with Max HP and Defense with leftovers does its job better for a team like this
Scarf Rotom is a better option over a bulky one for this team as it allows Rotom to do late game cleanup when Aero and Clawitzer do enormous amounts of damage to the opposition. Plus Trick allows you to stop defensively oriented Pokemon such as Vaporeon, Milotic, Umbreon, Blissey, Florges etc.
Drop Knock Off for Sucker Punch, Jolly over Adamant nature and run Life Orb. The fun thing about Toxicroak is with Life Orb in most situations you won't be forced to set up to deal good damage plus Life Orb allows it to pick up more OHKOs if not 2HKOs. And yes, Sucker Punch's priority is very necessary for 1v1s against fast psychics
Other than that, this team is pretty good. If anything though, you absolutely need a way to remove entry hazards because Mega Aerodactyl and Rotom-H do not appreciate taking chip damage from Stealth Rock
Thanks heaps for the feedback @Marcusube its really appreciated :D