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The best shinies you've caught
In any pokémon game, what shiny pokémon did you get and what are your best shiny moments?

My first ever shiny was a zubat in the Shoal Cave in Emerald. I still remember the exact spot where I got it. Sadly I somehow lost it over the years.

Never managed to catch a shiny again until pokemon X came around. There I got a shiny sandile, shiny zoroark from the pokeradar and a shiny marill (and thus awesome golden Azumarill) when I was breeding for a competitive one. It had awesome IV's too!
Mine is a shiniy klink, because it was my first ever shiny, and I wasn't even looking for it. I found it on BW, and I'm not ashamed to say I freaked out when i saw it
My first shiny besides the red Garydos was a Paras in the original silver. I found it while headbutting random trees in Ilex Forest. Still have it on my silver version. In Y I caught a Larvesta, Ditto, Vivillion, Woobat, and a few others I can't remember. My favorite one so far is the ditto due to it's colors. I'm on the hunt for a shiny Ponyta though, the blue flame just looks awesome.
My first shiny was a Starly in Diamond at a random encounter, then a few days later I got a shiny Mightyena in Emerald also a random ancounter. After that I didn't find more shinies before gen 6. But on X I have around 15 shinies. All from chaining, hordes or friend safari.
[Image: shiny_crustle___dw_art_by_muums-d3jymub.png] I love this thing Heart
My first shiny was a green ursaring in gold. It was right outside of Mt.Silver cave. I was freaking out. I was like "what's with all the stars?!"
After that it was a blue flamed ponyta in diamond, a golden magikarp in ruby (fishing for feebas), and a bluish pidove in white. Then they just stopped showing up.
Shiny Honedge was my best, then i even turned it into a battling machine >Smile
Encountered a shiny Abra in my Diamond back in 2007, caught it with a master ball (for obvious reasons) and still have it to this day :D

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