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This is a interesting introduction-title
So hi, I'm Eeveeli (such a original name in the pokemon community) or Janneke, the last one will be difficult to pronounce for not dutch people so just Eevee is fine.

I'm pretty new with VGC/Competitive battling so i'm sorry if I will make any mistakes but I will do my best and pray to the rng-gods to let me at least look like a good player.

And to close this all off: I'm from the Netherlands, English is not my first language, a digital-artist who draws moemoekawaii-people and I am currently studying digital publisher irl in hope that I can spam you all with the best junkmail one day.  kappa

Friend code
2079-7564-5202 IGN: Ikuyo
Ghost Safari with: Pumkaboo, Lanturn and Golurk
I look forward to the email spam Smile
Welcome Eeveeli! I'm ready for the email spam!
° Replay Mod ° Pokemon Master ° Powersaver/Cloner & Breeder °  

 #TeamReplay since January 2014

> Batman <

Yay eeveeli :D welcome to the forums
welcome to the forum eeveeli, hope you find your way around fine and happy foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Hi Eevee, I can't wait for the spam mail! kappa
Haha I will be sure to send you guys all the spam later in the future then! And thank you for the welcome! ;__; )/
Welcome Eeveeli, looking forward to that spam :D
hey eeveeli Smile welcome to the forum Smile
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix

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