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Trading for a treecko
Treecko is one of the last Pokemon that I need to complete my Hoenn pokedex. I don't care about Iv's or anything, any treecko will do. I can trade torchic or mudkip for it and if you don't need those then throw a request at me and ill see if i have one. I have omega ruby so if you need an exclusive I can get one for you as well. My friend code is to the right.
I'll let you have one of mine :-)
I added you, I'll be online
(Jan 19, 2015, 07:58 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: I added you, I'll be online

Thanks! I added you as well, my ign is Peter. Anything you want in particular?
Anything is fine
Thanks for the Treecko!
No prob :-)

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