![[Image: pokeddex_day_8__jellicent_and_gengar_by_...4iksmx.jpg]](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/343/a/8/pokeddex_day_8__jellicent_and_gengar_by_psh07-d4iksmx.jpg)
Deviantart by Psh07
"The Monopoly Pokemon - Jellicent"
![[Image: jellicent.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/jellicent.gif)
(VGC) Jellicent - Utility (Pivot/ Trick Room) 2 Options
Typing: Water/Ghost
Base Stats : HP: 100 / Attack: 60 / Defense: 70 / Sp. Atk: 85 / Sp. Def: 105 / Speed: 60
Immune: Normal, Fighting, Water (if ability is Water Absorb)
Resist: Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Ice, Water (if ability isn't Water Absorb) [ all 1/2x ]
Weak: Ghost, Grass, Dark, Electric [ all 2x ]
Water Absorb: When the Pokemon is hit with a Water-type attack, its HP is restored to a quarter (25%) and the move will have no effect on the Pokemon. If the Pokemon already has its HP bar at full, nothing happens other than the Water immunity taking effect.
Cursed Body: Has a 30% chance of disabling the opponent's used offensive attack when used on the Pokemon. If inflicted, Curse Body will be in effect for three turns (including the the ability activated). Curse Body can activate if the attack is behind a Substitute or if the wielder is knocked out.
Damp: Prevents the opponents from using Explosion and Self Destruct as it will fail if picked. Prevents the ability Aftermath from taking into effect.
Jellicent is one of the interesting choices to consider as the team's main 'bulky Water-type" as it has stiff competition with Rotom-W, Suicune, Competitive Milotic, or even the dancing pineapple from under the Sea: Ludicolo (what you expect me to make a joke here and there well you got one kappa). Alright after that failed attempted..let go back to Pringles Mon here (this thing looks like the man from the "Pringles"). Anyways one of the main advantages Jellicent has over these Pokemon is it can switch in on either a Fighting-, Normal-, or even Water-types with Water Absorb. One of the main selling points of Pringles here is it can hard wall most Water-types as well as be a hard counter to Mega Kangaskhan. With "CHALK" teams surging in usage, Jellicent is used as a pivot against Mega Kangashan, Cresselia, Heatran, Landorus-T, and even Amoonguss at times. Paired with a solid 100 HP / 70 Def / 105 overall bulk, Jellicent is capable of taking most special attacks while burning physical attackers with either Will-O-Wisp or Scald. Paired with a low base 60 speed along with access to Water Spout and Recover, Jellicent can make a formidable Trick Room user capable of supporting the team with other options like Scald, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Ice Beam, Hex, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, etc. Even Jellicent's abilities can be rather annoying to deal. Water Absorb granting Jellicent immunity to Water-type attacks with limited recovery while Cursed Body has a 30% chance of disabling any move its hit with. Not everything is clear seas for Jellicent as it fears Grass-, Electric-, Ghost-, and Dark-types like Breloom, Virizion, Thundurus, Zapdos, Aegislash, Hydreigon, and Tyranitar just to name who prey on the Water/Ghost weakness. While Jellicent is capable of taking most non-super effective special attacks, it still has a mediocre base 70 defense in which physical attacker will surely exploit.
Bulky Pivot
![[Image: jellicent.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/jellicent.png)
Jellicent @ Leftovers / Safety Goggles
Ability: Cursed Body / Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SpD
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Will-O-Wisp / Toxic
- Recover / Protect
- Toxic / Ice Beam / Shadow Ball / Hex / Taunt
-Survives Modest Specs Dark Pulse from Hydreigon 100% of the time.
-Survives Modest Life Orb Shadow Ball from Aegislash 100% of the time.
-Jolly Mega Salamence's max attack Double Edge is a 2HKO
-Choice Specs Sylveon has a 2% chance to 2HKO without Leftovers
-Adamant max attack Landorus-T's Earthquake is a 3HKO only.
-Survives a Jolly Life Orb Leaf Blade from Virizion most of the time baring high crit ratio.
Jellicent find itself at the front faced against some of the common VGC and Battle Spot Doubles Pokemon like Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Salamence, Aegislash, Cresselia, Amoonguss, Landorus-T, Heatran, etc. As with any "bulky" Water-type, Scald is self-explanatory STAB option with the 30% chance to burn most targets. If Jellicent can snag a Scald burn against a physical attacker, this will only extend its longevity as a defensive pivot for the team and make its walling potential easier with the 1/8th residual burn damage. Alternatively, Jellicent can opt to run Will-O-Wisp, a safer option to burn targets at an instant and to punish any Sucker Punch users like Mega Kangaskhan, Bisharp, or Mega Mawile. If Jellicent finds itself at risk of being knocked out the following turn, Recover can replenish about 50% of its health retaining Jellicent into the fight. Another strategy Jellicent can use with Recover is spam the health-restoring move multiple times so that it can activate Cursed Body to prevent the opponent from going for the same attack. Protect can be an option over Recover in case double targeting becomes an issue for Jellicent. The last moveslots is often a choice between Toxic, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, or Hex. Toxic allows Jellicent to leave Pokemon like Cresselia/Sylveon on a timer preventing any long term setup as well as wearing down a vast majority of bulky Water- types like Gastrodon, Milotic, Rotom-W, Suicune, and even opposing Jellicent. Ice Beam is optimal coverage for any Grass, Flying, and Dragon types thinking they can easily come in against Jellicent, though it won't achieve key OHKOs or 2HKOs. Shadow Ball is a STAB option Jellicent can use given how strong Ghost types is offensively by doing super effective damage against Aegislash. Alternatively, Hex can be used over Shadow Ball do deal massive damage against opponents who have been afflicted with status ailment, likely from Jellicent. Last but not least, Taunt can be used to shut down Pokemon lie Cresselia, Amoonguss, or any other support Pokemon.
With its potential moveset explained, Jellicent has the option of using either Cursed Body or Water Absorb which both are extremely viable. To be honest, Cursed Body is the better of the two abilities at hand given how Jellicent can already take most Water type hits like Scald or Hydro Pump since its also a Water type, but with high HP and Special Defense. If a situation occurs where Jellicent has to 1v1 an opposing bulky Water type, it can easily stall out with Recover and the opposing Water type might inexplicable activate Cursed Body. As far as item choice is concern, Leftovers is a great option to have so Jellicent can gradually replenish 1/16th of its health per turn. Safety Goggles Jellicent has picked up in usage given that it can bypass Spore and Rage Powder and potentially burn targets with Will-O-Wisp.
Damage Calculations
Offensive - Just going to focus on Scald, Shadow Ball, and Ice Beam without any investments
Defensive - With an EV Spread of 252 HP / 156 Def /100 SpD and Calm Nature
Trick Room Setter
![[Image: jellicent-female.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/jellicent-female.png)
Jellicent @ Safety Goggles / Colbur Berry
Ability: Cursed Body
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Trick Room
- Water Spout / Scald
- Will-O-Wisp / Toxic
- Recover
- Without Colbur Berry, survives Modest Life Orb Hydregon's Dark Pulse, Non-Life Orb Bisharp's Knock Off, and Adamant Mega Tyranitar's Crunch 100% of the time.
-Survives Shadow Ball from non Life Orb Aegislash 100% of the time (but not boosted).
-Timid 252 SpA Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice is a 3HKO.
-Timid Life Orb 252 SpA Thundurus's Thunderbolt cannot KO Jellicent (84%-99%).
The moveset is somewhat similar to the previous build in terms of attacks but this Jellicent is built with significant defensive investment to take some of the strongest possible attacks (even some super effective hits) in order to setup Trick Room. Basically what Trick Room does is it reverses the speed orders of all Pokemon on the field with naturally faster Pokemon like Jolteon or Aerodactyl moving first and slower Pokemon like Jellicent and Conkeldurr moving first now. Once Jellicent has setup Trick Room, it can easily fire powerful Water Spout attacks which at maximum power, or max HP results in a 150 STAB spread damage against both. Even if Jellicent loses health over the course of the battle, Recover is a viable option to replenish Jellicent's health and keep attacking with high-powered Water Spouts. If Water Spout's low Power Point value of 8 isn't suitable, Scald is an great alternative so Jellicent get snag Scald burns 30% of the time. Will-O-Wisp is an great status ailment to burn physical attackers since Scald might not burn physically-oriented Pokemon. Toxic is another option which allows Jellicent to stall out bulky Pokemon (Cresselia, Sylveon, Mega Kangaskhan, Porygon2, Suicune, Milotic) by inflicting (N+1)/16th damage with N being the number of turns the badly poisoned foe has been on the field.
If Jellicent has Tyranitar or Abomasnow as a potential teammate, Safety Googles is used to prevent residual damage from either hail/sandstorm. At the same time, Safety Goggles can prevent Jellicent from being either Spored (and Sleep Powdered) so that it can setup Trick Room while being immune to redirection from Rage Powder. The latter part basically means Jellicent can easily burn targets like Mega Kangakhan, Landorus-T, Mega Salamence, etc if in case they do attempt to setup. An alternative item Jellicent can run is Colbur Berry so every super effective Dark-type attack is reduced by able 50%. This allows Jellicent to survive a strong Choice Specs Dark Pulse from Hydreigon comfortable and a potential double target against from a Timid Hyper Voice Mega Salamence and a full-power Assurance from Jolly Tyranitar.
Damage Calculations
Offensive - Only going to show Water Spout since Scald has been demonstrated with the same damage output.
Defensive- (With an EV Spread of 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpD Relaxed Nature)
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to;
- Defensive Synergy: Essentially any Pokemon who can effectively threaten most Electric, Grass-, Dark-, and Ghost-types are seen as viable partners for Jellicent. Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur and Ferrthorn all take opposing Electric-/Grass-type hits for either double/quadruple resistance. Fire type Pokemon like Heatran, Rotom-H, Arcanine, Entei, etc are another key element of the FWG core in which protect any Grass-types Jellicent fears. Jellicent appreciates any Fairy-, Bug-, or Fighting-type Pokemon who can handle Dark- type Pokemon like Hydreigon, Tyranitar, Scrafty, Weavile, Greninja, etc. Fairy-type Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir and Sylveon destroy most Dark-types with a Pixilate Hyper Voice, Bug-types like Scizor, Escavelier, Volcarona, Heracross, etc can beat these with their respective Bug-type STAB, and finally Fighting Pokemon such as Scrafty, Conkeldurr, Hariyama, Machamp, Terrakion, etc can threaten most Dark-types for a potential knock out. Finally for Ghost-type Pokemon, any Dark types like Tyranitar, Hydreigon, Scrafty, etc are capable of dealing with Ghosts with a powerful STAB Dark Pulse, Crunch, or Knock Off respectively.
- Trick Room Pokemon: If Jellicent is the main Trick Room setter, its partners must inflict massive damage output against the opposing side for the next 4 turns to maintain offensive momentum. Some of the most common Trick Room sweepers are Mega Evolutions like Mega Mawile, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Camerupt, Mega Abomasnow, Mega Tyranitar, and even Mega Kangaskhan who can deal massive damage against the opponent's Pokemon within those 4 turns (not counting when Trick Room is setup). Fake Out Pokemon like Scrafty, Hitmontop, Hariyama, Kangaskhan, Meowstic, and Sableye are extremely important for Jellicent to setup Trick Room as it prevents a potential double target or super effective attack onto the floating Pokemon. Redirection users is another safe alternative to setup Trick Room safely so Jellicent doesn't get harmed. Most redirection users like Amoonguss, Togekiss, Tangela, Clefable, Clefariy, etc can fulfill such a role for a Trick Room based team as well as provide defensive synergy with Jellicent. Lastly, Pokemon who are usually seen in Trick Room teams like Escavelier, Gastrodon, Metagross, Heatran, Sylveon, Ferrothorn, Abomasnow, Rhyperior, Conkeldurr, Azumarill, Machamp, and Tyranitar can provide offensive momentum and cover some of Jellicents weakness well.
- Grass and Electric Types: Grass-type Pokemon like Amoonguss, Breloom, Mega Venusaur, Virizion, Ferrothorn, Mega Abomasnow, Ludicolo, Cradily etc are an nightmare for Jellicent to face as they can go for a super effective attack for a potential KO or whither it down with Leech Seed, Spore, and Toxic if Cursed Body deactivates a Grass STAB. Electric-type Pokemon like Raichu, Raikou, Zapdos, Rotom-W, Thundurus, Mega Manetric, etc can easily 2HKO most variants of Jellicent, except if Cursed Body activates, they will likely get walled without an super effective attack.
- Dark and Ghost Types: Most Dark-type Pokemon like Hydreigon, Tyranitar, Bisharp, Scrafty, Mega Gyarados, Greninja, etc can potentially KO or leave Jellicent within range of another attack to do so. Keep in mind that some of these physical Dark-types will be rendered useless if Jellicent gets a Scald burn or Will-O-Wisp off easily. Ghost-type Pokemon like Aegislash, Gengar, Mega Gengar, Chandelure, Sableye, etc can hit Jellicent for super effective damage and render it useless as a wall.
- Disruption + Residual Damage: Again like most bulky pivots, Jellicent is vulnerable to incoming status moves like Taunt, Spore, Sleep Powder, Swagger, Encore, Torment, etc. Some of the attacks mentioned here are usually carried by Pokemon who are super effective to Jellicent like Thundurus, Breloom, Mega Venusaur, Hydreigon, etc so they can go for these involuntary attacks instead. Taunt can shut down the Floating Pokemon given that it cannot fulfill its job in spreading status ailments or replenishing itself.
Other Notable Moves
Here are a list of notable attack in which Jellicent can utilize well:
- Blizzard - Often seen in Hail Room teams paired with an Abomasnow to fire 100% accurate Blizzards with a base power of 110.
- Psychic - A base 90 coverage move in case Poison- and Fighting-types become problematic.
- Energy Ball - A base 90 Grass type attack reserved for any opposing Water types.
- Dazzling Gleam - A base 80 Fairy-type move reserved for Pokemon like Hydreigon or Scrafty.
- Confuse Ray - Confuses the target with them having a 50/50 chance of moving or hitting itself.
- Icy Wind - A low base 55 spread Ice-type attack that reduced the speed stat of both targets by one stage.
- Pain Split - Pretty much a semi-recovery option where the user and opponent's HP are equalized.
Other Notable Items
- Sitrus Berry - Restores about 25% of the Pokemon's HP if its health falls below 50%.
- Mental Herb - Cures the user from infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Disable, and Cursed Body.
- Kasib Berry - Reduces the damage of Ghost-type attacks by 50%.
- Wacan Berry - Reduces the damage of Electric-type attacks by 50%.
- Rindo Berry - Reduces the damage of Grass-type attacks by 50%.
- Rocky Helmet - Any contact moves used against the wielder will damage the attacker by 1/6th of their total HP.
For those who got this far thanks for reading this article!