![[Image: mega_scizor_by_silentgpanda-d6ujsmg.jpg]](http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/320/9/3/mega_scizor_by_silentgpanda-d6ujsmg.jpg)
Credits to SilentGPanda
![[Image: scizor-mega.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/scizor-mega.gif)
(VGC) Mega Scizor - Attack (Physical Attacker)
Typing: Bug/Steel
-Stats- HP: 70 / Attack: 130 / Defense: 100 / Sp.Atk: 55 / Sp.Def: 80 / Speed: 65
- Mega Stats- HP: 70 / Attack: 150 / Defense: 140 / Sp.Atk: 65 / Sp.Def: 100 /Speed: 75
Weaknesses:Fire [x4]
Immunity: Poison [x0]
Resistance: Grass [x1/4] ; Normal, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy [ all x1/2 ]
Neutral: Fighting, Water, Flying, Electric, Ground, Dark, Rock, Ghost
Style: Attack
Variant: Physical Attacker
Technician (Regular and Mega): Increases the power of moves which have base power 60 or less by 1.5x.
Swarm: If a Pokemon with the ability Swarm has about or less than 1/3 of its health left, the power of its Bug type attacks increase by 1.5x.
Light Metal (Hidden): Halves the weight of the user. Takes less damage from Grass Knot or Low Kick while takes more from Heat Crash or Heavy Slam.
Ever since its received Bullet Punch as a tutor move in Platinum, Scizor has consistently rank among the top tier revenge killer Pokemon, if not the best non-legendary Bug type in the game ATM. This generation Scizor received a buff in the form of a Mega Evolution in XY which saw considerable usage in the singles format while few in the 2014 VGC metagame. One of the main drawbacks of the VGC 2014 format for both Scizor and Mega Scizor was the lack of move tutors as well as the pentagon rule which eliminated both regular Scizor and Mega Scizor's best options such as Technician boost Bug Bite, Superpower, Tailwind, and even the recently buffed Knock Off attack. The new 2015 format has been welcoming for Mega Scizor on several fronts. 1) Scizor has back all of its relevant attacks back thanks to ORAS move tutors unlike the previous format. 2) Both old and new threat such as Cresselia, Sylveon, Terrakion, Togekiss, Mega Gardevoir, Tyranitar, etc have made Scizor more viable as the premier revenge killer. 3) With the current metagame being predominately heavy in speed control, Mega Scizor ability of bypassing speed modifications thanks to its primary attack Bullet Punch is much valuable. One of the main issues with the regular Scizor is its overall bulk of 70/100/80 which is slightly on average at best considering the massive power creep with Mega Evolutions along with the Steel nerf. Thanks to the new Mega Evolution form, Mega Scizors improves its overall bulky substantially to about 70/160/100 with a small boost to its offensive stats (+20 Atk, +10 SpA, and +10 Spe). To put this onto perspective, Mega Scizor now has the defensive prowess of a Skarmory with moderate special bulk as well as a high attack stat comparable to most legendary Pokemon like Groudon. These characteristics surely make Mega Scizor a darkhorse Mega Evolution contender in the VGC 2015 meta.
![[Image: scizor-mega.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/scizor-mega.gif)
-Sword Dance-
Scizor-Mega Set @ Scizorite
Mega Ability: Technician
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 84 Def / 116 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off / Bug Bite
- Sword Dance
- Protect / Roost
-Thunderbolts from Bulky Thundurus-Incarnate and Zapdos (208 SpAtk evs with Modest nature [max]) are 3HKOs.
-Earthquakes from 252+ Atk Landorus-T have a 44.3% chance to 3HKO.
-Close Combat from 252 Atk Terrakion are 3HKOs. (40 - 48% damage)
-Survives Life Orb boosted Hydro Pump from 252+ SpA Ludicolo in rain (79 - 93.2% damage).
-Unboosted Shadow Ball from 252+ SpA Aegislash is a 3HKO (if investment are 252 HP and 116 SpD evs)
-Takes Heat Waves from Charizard Y and Heatran in rain without item or stat modifications.
This Mega Scizor set is meant to take advantage of its defensive Bug/Steel typing and find opportunities to setup possibly one or two Sword Dance boost for a late game cleanup. The EV spread given ensures that Mega Scizor will be about to take some the most common attacks in the VGC 2015 format and either retaliate or again setup. With a Sword Dance boost, Mega Scizor's attack stat effectively doubles in power while multiple uses can help counteract against Intimidates and attack drops from burn. Bullet Punch is the reason why Mega Scizor is relevant in a metagame heavily based in speed control as +1 priority bypassed most speed modifiers. For the last attack, Knock Off is slashed over Bug Bite particularly because of the utility purposes and and hitting Aegislash for super effective damage. Knock Off is a Dark type move with essentially a 97 base power with the added effect of disarming most Pokemon of their items. This might seem bluntly obvious as mentioned but having to get rid of any item for the remainder of the game can helping longer battles/series Bug Bug offers Scizor its strongest attack available at full power of 135 with Technician STAB plus the added effect to steal berries for its use. The main drawback of running Bug Bite is offensively Bug/Steel offensive coverage leaves Mega Scizor walled by a plethora of Fire type Pokemon as well as Gyarados, Empoleon, Excadrill, Jellicent, and even opposing Scizor. By replacing Bug STAB with Knock Off, Mega Scizor now has the coverage to t least damage these would be checks and counters. Protect rounds out Mega Scizor's moveset as it saves itself from double targets considering Mega Scizor will likely be setting up Sword Dance most of the time. Roost can be opted as a means of recovery but remember Mega Scizor will be prone to double target if it gets a Sword Dance boost.
![[Image: scizor-mega.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/scizor-mega.gif)
-Offensive -
Scizor-Mega Set @ Scizorite
Mega Ability: Technician
Level: 50
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off / Bug Bite / U-Turn
- Superpower / Sword Dance
- Protect
-Outspeeds Adamant Bisharp, Breloom Metagross by one point (123)
-Perfect type coverage with just Knock Off and Superpower.
-Earthquake from Adamant max Attack Landorus-t (spread) is still a 3HKO
-Under Tailwind, outspeeds Choice Scarf Landorus-T as well as neutral Ludicolo/Mega Swampert in rain. (246>244)
Mega Scizor small buff of about +10 base points in its speed stat helps it outrun threats like Adamant Bisharp, Breloom, and Metagross. There isn't nothing special about this set other than it outspeeds those three aftermentioned Pokemon by one point exactly. As standard for any Technician Scizor form, Bullet Punch is almost a necessity as it allows Mega Scizor to bypass speed control while hitting Fairy, Rock, or Ice types hard. Knock off is listed to hit any Ghost and Psychic type Pokemon such as Aegislash, Gengar, or Cresselia as well as removing any item the opponent's Pokemon carry. For the third option, Mega Scizor can run either of these two STAB Bug moves: Bug Bite and U-turn. As mentioned before, Bug Bite is one of Mega Scizor's best berry stealing move thanks to its Technician STAB boosts as it deals massive damage to Tyranitar, Hydreigon Cresselia, Rotom-W, Ludicolo, Abomasnow, Mega Gyarados, Rotom-Cut, etc. U-Turn is an momentum switch attack which can be helpful in predicting switch ins and still maintaining offensive momentum is some fashion. Considering Mega Scizor can outspeed most targets slower than Base 70 speed, U-Turn might seem like the best option as it can still get off a slow U-Turn off against faster targets (i.e Mega Kang, Mega Metagross) while outpacing most standard Rotom-W and Suicune. However, if you want a powerful Bug STAB option available with the opportunity to steal berries than Technician Bug Bite is a much better option. Superpower is a strong base 120 base coverage attack for any opposing Pokemon like Mega Kangaskhan, Heatran (slower variants), Tyranitar, Excadrill, Scrafty, etc. Only drawbacks of using Superpower is Mega Scizor's attack and defense stats will go down by one stage so be weary of prolong use. Lastly Sword Dance can be opted to turn Mega Scizor into a powerful revenge killer with its priority Bullet Punch.
Other Options
Here are some other options I wanted to listed for Mega Scizor since that's not the only way to run it. I'm only going to list down the top moves that strike me the most.
Feint: This normal move can be rather advantageous in case anyone could predict the incomng Protect from the opposing target. In case some don't know, Feint is a low powered base 30 attack with +2 priority which remove the effects of Protect, Spiky Shield, King's Shield, Detect, Wide Guard, and Quick Guard. This attack is useful in case one is able to make the right call and negate any protection like move while the allied Pokemon can knock the target out or leave a status ailment. At best, Feint can help the person get ahead but try not to use it as often unless a Protect play is nearly obvious.
Tailwind: One of three support moves both Scizor and Mega Scizor have access is speed control in Tailwind. What this move does is the Pokemon and its allies now have virtually double the speed (technically a pseudo +2 in speed) for about 4 turns. First off, even though there are plenty other viable speed control Pokemon from Prankster Thunder Wave from Thundurus or Tailwind from Suicune, this actually is somewhat of a "surprise" setup at best considering no one would think of Tailwind Mega Scizor as a option. Another advantage Mega Scizor has against its competition is thanks to its considerable bulk Mega Scizor can setup Tailwind unless its threaten by a Fire type/coverage. Honestly Tailwind in tandem with Feint might even be good to pair with to predict Protect since people will likely try to stall out Tailwind.
Light Screen: The second support move for Mega Scizor, admitably the most random option listed here is Light Screen which halves special attack damage done to the user and its allies. Early in the VGC 2015 meta, I playtested with some teams witha bit of screen support whether it is Reflect Suicune or Light Screen Rotom-W (which I totally did not steal this idea from Cybertron kappa). Again it might seem random to have some form of screen support but given Mega Scizor's overall bulk, using Light Screen at the right moment can completely catch the opponent off guard especially if they brought special attackers. Right now the metagame is predominately physical but there are few ways to counteract special attacks aside from Snarl support. Probably the main reason one should consider Light Screen is it can literally ruin the momentum of the opponent as they are forced to play around for a 4-5 turns. Usually I don't like often play with setup moves but as long as its beneficial to the team like Light Screen its a good call in my books.
Quick Guard: Probably the better of the three support moves give how common priority moves are just to bypass speed control. Quick Guard is a tier +3 priority support which blocks all forms of priority attacks bar fast Fake Out users. Now in Gen 6th Quick Guard is easily spammable just like its counterpart Wide Guard but at the cost of Protect likely failing the following turn. Given how Mega Scizor is a considerablely bulky Mega, Quick Guard is a viable options if its not carrying either Sword Dance or another coverage attack like Knock Off or Superpower. Honestly there a plenty of other viable Quick Guard users like Talonflame and even Terrakion who can support Mega Scizor get a attack off or setup.
Brick Break: Before Scizor got Superpower as a move tutor back in Platinum, Brick Break was used as the main fighting coverage. Honesty the only reasons Brick Break was mentioned in the OP is considering Scizor doesn't suffer from both the attack and defense drops for considerable less damage. Screens are somewhat rare to see in VGC play since its most screeen users have better options to run. Honestly without the ability to items, Mega Scizor definitely needs the damage it can get from superpower compared with Brick Break.
Aerial Ace: Honestly what can go wrong with Flying coverage with Aerial Ace? Thanks to Technician, Aerial Ace has a full power of about 90 which can leave a dent on Grass, Bug, and Fighting type Pokemon while being resisted to Electric and Steel. Best part is it will never miss its target so... Seriously why does Aerial Ace has almost a 5% usage in the PGL Battle Spot Doubles when there are better options?
Iron Head: Alright best for last, is Scizor's strongest Steel move available is Iron Head! If you might have notice, one of the two hard checks and counters for Mega Scizor are particularly Quick Guard users like Talonflame, Meowstic, Terrakion, Bisharp, Scrafty, and even opposing Scizor which can cause mind games. Iron Head is literally there just as a "coverage option" in case you really want to bypass Quick Guard users and get a powerful Steel type attack on the opponent's Pokemon. Again not really much to say but hey it even has that 30% chance to flinch. Seriously though don't use this unless you have had a bad day and/or just hate Quick Guard Spammers like me kappa.
Team Options
Mega Scizor needs partners who can deal with Fire type Pokemon (Charizard Y, Heatran, Talonflame) while at the same time provide offensive and/or defensive synergy. That said, Terrakion is an excellent Pokemon to pair as it threatens Fire types with a STAB Rock type coverage and hit Steel types hard with a Close Combat attack. In return, Mega Scizor can deal with opposing Terrakion as well as Pokemon like Psychic types (Cresselia, Gothitelle), Fairies (Gardevoir, Sylveon, Clefable) and Grass types (Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, Ludicolo). Landorus-T is another potential partner for Mega Scizor as it not only deals with problematic Fire types with either STAB Earthquake or Rock Slide but as an added bonus, Landorus-T's Intimidate support can help Mega Scizor with setup opportunity to Sword Dance. Follow Me support Pokemon like Friend Guard Clefairy, Clefable and Togekiss can be utilized to ensure Mega Scizor gets one or two Sword Dance boost although they cannot stop spread damage. Bulky Electric type Pokemon like Zapdos, Thundurus, Rotom-W/H, etc are useful to handle Water types like Suicune, Rotom-W, Politoed, etc due to the potential of Will-O-Wisp status or Scald burns. Coincidentally, Mega Scizor can fit perfectly in rain teams as it neutralize Fire attack by half and synergies well with rain partners like Politoed, Kindgra, Ludicolo, while handling rain checks like Ferrothorn, Mega Venusaur, Amoonguss etc. In case you don't plan on using rain, having a bulky Water type like Milotic, Suicune, or even Rotom-W can suffice as all three can offer Mega Scizor with potential setup opportunity from deterring Intimidate spam, Will-O-Wisp from Rotom-W, or Scald, Snarl, and/or Reflect from utility Suicune. Dragon types like Hydreigon, Garchomp, or Lati@S offer Mega Scizor another valuable partner to beat Fire/Steel types while in turn Scizor can deal with problematic Fairy types. Lastly, Quick Guard users are an absolute pain for Mega Scizor as they prevent Scizor from using its famed priority Bullet Punch. Since most Quick Guard users are predominately Fighting type Pokemon, Psychic and Flying Pokemon like Cresselia, the Lati Twins, Aerodactyl, Togekiss, Noivern, Talonflame (though still a priority user) and special STAB HP Flying users can deal with these threats.
Build Calculations
Here are the calclations for the Mega Kangaskhan build including damage output, overall defensive bulk, and speed tier. Offensive Calculations:
Defensive Calculations:
Closing Thoughts: Mega Scizor is an extremely underrated Mega Evolution considering it needs a ton of team support as well as proper team synergy to functions well. Thanks to the massive buff to its defensive stats, Mega Scizor capability to take hits, setup, and retaliate with its signature high power will surely leave a dent to the opposing teams unprepared for the veteran Bug/Steel mon.