![[Image: pyroar.gif]](http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/pyroar.gif)
Stats: 86 HP, 68 Atk, 72 Def, 109 SpA, 66 SpD, 106 Spe
Abilities: Rivalry :- Attack & Special Attack is increased by 25% if the foe is of the same gender; Attack & Special Attack is decreased by 25% if the foe is of the opposite gender.
Unnerve :- The opponent Pokémon will never use their held Berry while the Pokémon is in battle
Moxie :- Attack is raised by one stage when the Pokémon knocks out another Pokémon
Pyroar @ Life Orb
Ability: Unnerve
Level: 50
EVs: 4 Def / 248 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Grass]
Pyroar @ Choice Specs
Ability: Unnerve
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Grass]
Pyroar @ Shell Bell
Ability: Unnerve
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Work Up
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Hyper Voice
Pyroar is a decent mid ranged attacker. It has great speed, moderate special attack and a little natural bulk to survive at least one attack. Pyroar at max speed outspeeds almost everything in the NU tier and can chip at them with great power.
The first set uses Pyroar as more of a supporting offense. Basically his job is to chip at the opponent's health to make it easier for your revenge killer to take them out. Hyper Voice and Heat Wave for STAB although if you're feeling gutsy, you can run Fire Blast, Dark Pulse for coverage against Ghost and Psychics and Hidden Power Grass to threaten walls like Quagsire and Seismitoad who tend to just sit there acting like they RUN the place.
Set 2 is more of a revenge killing/sweeper build. Choice Specs maximizes on Pyroar's attacking potential. Same attacks only Fire Blast was chosen over Heat Wave for more damage output. This set takes a lot of prediction skills because a misplay will cause you to have to switch so be careful
Finally, a set up variant of Pyroar. If you get a good switch in, set up a Work Up which puts you at the offensive level of having Choice Specs only less predictions. Honestly, this is my favourite set because after getting to +3 special attack, everything in the tier gets 2HKO guaranteed. I picked Shell Bell because after setting up, you will need HP recovery in case you get damaged by a priority move or entry hazards.
When using Pyroar, remember that he is weak to stealth rocks. Don't be switching him in and out all the time and stocking up on damage.
Pyroar is more on the frail side so do not make a switch unless you are confident about your position.
Pyroar isn't super packed with amazing Special attack so do not expect things to OHKO opponents at full health without setting up or running Choice Specs with high damaging moves.
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